31 December 2009
Thank you from the (snoring) Dr.
25 weeks and going strong!
Can you believe we are only 15 weeks away from having a little angel in our home!! We visited the hospital for our tour on Wednesday and saw the "hotel" where Baby Chuck will be born! It is extremely nice and the rooms are huge! We will start our childbirth classes in late February. We will be taking them with a friend and her husband who are 6 weeks behind us. That will be nice just in case the hubbies are scheduled to work, we will at least have a friend there. Can you imagine me sitting through a childbirth class on my own? Yeah right!
How Big is the Baby at 25 Weeks Pregnant?
By pregnancy week 25 your baby is approximately 1.5 pounds and just under 13.7 inches long. From this point on however your baby's weight and length may vary somewhat. Every baby is different as you'll soon realize during your pregnancy week by week. Some babies will be born weighing 7 pounds and others 10.
Your Baby's Growth and Development
Your baby is continuing to mature during pregnancy week 25 and for the next several weeks. The structures that form the spine start to form around pregnancy at 25 weeks, and blood vessels in the lungs continue to develop this week. Other things that are shaping up during pregnancy at 25 weeks include our baby's nostrils, which may open up by the end of this week.
Your baby is starting to put on just a little meat, and will continue filling out as your pregnancy progresses.
Your Growth and Development
Your uterus is now about the size of a volleyball at 25 weeks pregnant. As your uterus continues to grow you'll notice it places some pressure on your back and pelvis. This can sometimes cause you to experience shooting pains either down your leg or in your lower back. For some women these pains get more and more severe during pregnancy.
Some women will experience a condition called sciatica during pregnancy. This often happens when the baby's head presses against the pelvic bones causing the nerves in your lower back and legs to be compressed. Severe pain often results and can occur in the lower back, leg or legs and even buttocks. Some women will also experience numbness or tingling in the legs. For some women the pain is so severe they aren't able to lift their leg or walk without excruciating pain. So what is a woman to do? Typically most women will realize a complete relief of symptoms once the baby is born.
28 December 2009
One down

21 December 2009
All Clear

16 December 2009

Well, tomorrow is the day. Samer is going to visit the doctor tomorrow to get a couple of things taken care of. Thank goodness! Samer has gotten very boyish lately ( as I type, he is trying to attack my fingers). I just told mom that Samer had stopped undecorating the Christmas tree, not a second later he was halfway up it. We are hoping this will calm him down a little bit. I know Molly can't wait. Samer likes to sleep when Dr. is home but the second I walk into the house, he goes mental and can't control himself. I am looking forward to a new and calmer Samer. I hope that his little squeak doesn't get taken away. ( Samer purrs all the time but when he is super excited, he adds a little squeak at the end of the purr to make you feel a little bit more special than you did when you first picked him up.)
06 December 2009
Fetal Development Week 21

Snow Day

26 November 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
25 November 2009
Still Window Shopping
24 November 2009
Egg Nog Goodness
One step closer
23 November 2009
It's Official

Is it me?
Thanksgiving Break
17 November 2009
16 November 2009
15 November 2009
Dr.'s new toy

Baby Dr.

14 November 2009
For baby
12 November 2009
New kitty?
Christmas Schedule!!!!
09 November 2009
Blah Blah
08 November 2009
Seeing double

06 November 2009

04 November 2009
- A phenomenon started by Krisanna Roberts, a 15 year old patient at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Yellow is used to describe her very best, pain-free days during her treatment. For eleven years Krisanna Roberts has battled an aggressive brain tumor called an Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumor. She is St. Jude’s longest surviving AT/RT patient. The tumor first presented in the brain and returned twice following the initial occurrence and treatment. The fourth occurrence was the first time the tumor presented in the spine. Sadly, scans revealed that the tumor has returned with a vengeance and has covered her brain. Krisanna, the always smiling, beautiful blue eyed, blonde haired young lady inspires many by her will to live many "bright, sunshiny Yellow" days, and is celebrating them even if only from a hospital bed. A surge of Yellow participation of apparel and accessories has quickly spread throughout Mobile, AL and other communities where Krisanna's friends and family live!
All curled up
03 November 2009

26 October 2009
Swine Flu
25 October 2009
Getting Ready for Baby

Saving the World One Cat at a Time

18 October 2009
13 October 2009
Tomorrow will mark the first day of the 14th week! Tomorrow is October 14th which is exactly 6 months from our due date which is April 14th!!!! We went to the doctor today for our monthly check up. They had to take my blood today.... i know..... seriously. I didn't faint! I reminded the lady that I was a fainter and she asked if I wanted to lay in the recliner. I asked how many people actually use it and after she said that tons of people have used it, I decided to recline! I read the Jon and Kate plus 8 tabloids to her while she pricked the %(#$ out of me. She could have put duck tape on my arm hair and that would have felt better. Oh well, I survived! We heard the heartbeat again (which we have been listening to weekly). At first they couldn't find the heart beat but we had just heard it three days ago and I hadn't felt weird so I knew it was in there. Finally they found it! We go back in 4 weeks and find out if it is a girl or boy! I think it is a boy, doc, drew, and miss penny think it is a girl. Any other takers?

01 October 2009
sleepy samer

29 September 2009
cutest baby
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baby's new school
28 September 2009
haunted house
21 September 2009
19 September 2009
growing baby
Our Baby's Growth and Development
Your baby is pretty big by about 10 weeks pregnant. In fact, your baby is probably more than an inch and a half long this week! Your baby is also filling out. You can actually start weighing your baby around pregnancy week 10! By the end of this week your doctor may start referring to your baby as a fetus. The fetal period is marked by rapid growth changes in your baby.
Fortunately most women's risk of miscarriage diminishes significantly during pregnancy week 10, and will decrease even more in the next couple of weeks. By pregnancy week 10 your baby is also past the most important developmental stages, so your risk of fetal defects also drops significantly.
It is still important however, you avoid exposing yourself to potential environmental toxins during pregnancy. Toxins including alcohol and smoke are harmful to your baby regardless of your stage of pregnancy. If you find yourself in a toxic environment, get out!
Your baby's organs are developing quickly during pregnancy week 10. By 10 weeks pregnant your baby's vital organs including liver, kidney and brain are starting to grow and develop further. Little details including your baby's toenails also start appearing. On real close examination you may even notice some peach fuzz on your baby!
Mama Molly

baby weber

17 September 2009
doctors visit
14 September 2009
the many cat naps of samer