16 March 2013

Well by 7:30 both boys were asleep. I just wish Dr. was home to sit outside and enjoy the sunset with me.

We didn't do much today but it seems that whatever we did wore them out!

We went and bought a couple more plants for our pots and got some chicken McNuggets. I introduced Chuck to McDonalds last week. I hadn't eaten McDonalds in ages and the Chic-fil-a line was crazy. He found Ronald McDonald on the bag and was fascinated. Today he asked if he could go to "Donald Donald's" house and get him to cook us some chicken.

Chuck picked out a pool the other day and asked if we could fill it up. We got our neighbor to blow it up. We were watching him blow it up in their driveway and Chuck took off his shirt. The neighbors carried it back across the street for us. By the time we got to the backyard, Chuck was completely nude and was waiting for us to put water in the pool. Did not care one bit that there were people in our backyard and that he was showing all his boy pieces to everyone. They thought it was hysterical. He was obviously very excited. Did I mention it was 80 degrees outside but I'm sure that water was about 50 degrees.

Smith has been a little better about not making me hold him all the time or maybe he's napping better. Who knows?! Those blue eyes still look like they are here to stay.

One more day of Spring Break and everyone is still in one piece and I think the sickness that we have been fighting is on its way out!

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We might have some models on our hands.

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I woke up to doctor Chuck today. He came in with his pink glitter doctor kit and checked my blood pressure and my heart.

"Mom, I have a diagnosis! You missin' your arm."

I hope he knows how to put it back on.

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15 March 2013


Chuck worked on a stepping stone for our garden today.

Yesterday Chuck and I bought some veggies for the new garden in the backyard.

In Mississippi we had a lot of clay so we got a few jalapeños and some midget carrots but that was it. Here in Texas it is very sandy. I guess I just expected dirt like we have back home: just pure, good black dirt. The new garden is along the wall of our master bedroom.

Chuck and I planted: cilantro, basil, rosemary, eggplant, tomatoes, bell peppers, jalapeños, cantaloupe, and cucumbers. We also have some spinach, watermelons, strawberries, and carrots out front that will get moved to the backyard soon. I am really hoping for a productive garden this year.

We made sure Chuck's house looked nice too. I built him a walkway to his house and he helped me plant some flowers in front.

And of course five o'clock hit and he fell asleep. He always does this! It is so close to dinner and he can't hold his eyes open!

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14 March 2013


Sleep used to visit us and now we can't find it anywhere! Chuck woke up at 1am and stayed up until 6am. What? I have no answers for that. He didn't even nap today after all that lost sleep!

W didn't do anything today. We laid around most of the day, played superhero, cleaned out my car, and Chuck and I went to buy veggies.

Dad was off today. He goes back tomorrow for three days.

Our new housekeeper was here too! Have I mentioned how much I love her! I am not that person that cleans up for my maid but I admit I cook her breakfast and fix her lunch. My excuse is that she is pregnant. Dr. seems to be very excited about the way she makes our bed and how she folds down the sheet. If that baby comes out white and with a full beard I may become suspicious. She does the laundry and sheets (and maybe a bathroom) on Wednesday and then cleans on Thursday. I realize at some point she will have to take a day off to have the baby. Just kidding. I totally sympathize with the whole birthing experience.

Here are the boys. That blue mousse on the front of Chuck's hair just won't come out!

Smith took a pretty good nap today. After his two hour nap he passed out almost immediately. I'm wondering in Dr. drugged him.

We will plant veggies tomorrow but in the mean time our strawberries have flowers!

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13 March 2013


I gave in and let someone else cut Chuck's hair. I really wanted it longer but with his crazy cowlick there wasn't much of an option. He freaked out a little but there was a prize in sight and he got to get blue hair!

Chuck got to go get goggles after he got his haircut. I want him to start learning to hold his breath so I thought this was a logical step!

He also picked out a shark. He asked to get in the bath as soon as he got home.

I didn't want his haircut to look redneck. As we were standing in Academy sports looking at ammunition, Chuck's new haircut, me with no makeup, and Dr. with the most mismatched outfit he could find, I realized we were kind of redneck and I would just have to deal with it.

Oh and Smith's cellulite legs look pretty redneck too.

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12 March 2013

Active Boys

This is a video of Smith bouncing himself. Apparently he likes to fake swing and bounce.

YouTube Video

Also I forgot to mention the colored sand that you can get at toys r us for the sand box! Chuck picked out turquoise sand. (That is not all of it!)

And this is Chuck when his cold hit hard yesterday. We got to see dad for a couple of hours. All chuck could find the energy to do is crawl up on him and go to sleep. I'm pretty sure Dr. Didn't mind nap time!

Chuck is actually awake and feeling ok. I think the sleeping in this morning really helped. Tomorrow our housekeeper comes so I will probably leave Smith with her and Chuck and I will go get things for the garden and maybe do an Easter craft!

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Day 3

Day 3 was a little better. Chuck asked to fill up his sandbox. We ran out and picked up some sand and some sand toys. He spent the afternoon outside in the backyard. It was a little chilly but the sun was out. Smith spent a little time outside too.

It is 9:00 on day four. Chuck is still asleep. He has had a little cold but he has officially become sick. And remember this kid won't take medicine! I woke up with a sore throat and a sinus headache. Smith wakes up every morning with his nose clogged. I am hoping I can get them out to go pick up some soup but for now local honey and hot water will have to do for me and Chuck. Hopefully I will be able to convince Chuck to stay in bed and watch movies all day.

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11 March 2013

Day 2

I'm not going to lie. I have not regained my cool from Day 1 but everyone is still alive so I'm look at that as a positive.

It was a rainy morning yesterday so we stayed inside and fingerprinted.

Smith cries anytime I put him down which is not fun. Dr. is sleeping in the next room so doesn't find it amusing when the baby cries.

We did get outside for a little bit yesterday afternoon.

Not so sure Day 3 is going to be good. I got to sleep at 1 and baby started crying at 4. He was fed and taken care of so he had a little alone time but still it's not easy to sleep through that.

When Dr. is on nights I actually look forward to him going to Sulphur Springs so I don't have to try and keep babies from crying and little boys from screaming.

Chuck has a yucky cold so today I think I may have to for e him to take some kind of medicine.

Here's to another day in paradise!

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10 March 2013


Smith does not want to have anything to do with the swing but loves watching it and pretending like he's swinging.

YouTube Video

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