02 March 2013


Chuck got a nap today.

Smith did not..... (Yes MK, he found the broken drum. I knew I should have taken it to goodwill last week.)

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28 February 2013


Our day started off pretty serious. (Can you see Dr.'s profile in Chuck ?!?)

And then it became hilarious!

I know the last picture is fuzzy but how funny is that! Smith thinks everything is funny right when he gets up (not so much at night!). Chuck and Smith were having their daily morning cuddle.

Smith went with me to get coffee with the girls. I met another wife of a cardio thoracic surgeon who works with my other friends husband at Dr's. hospital. They both have lived here for 10 years and said they don't have friends. So we have officially made our friend group. There is also a lady who lives a couple of blocks over who actually has a 27 year old but also a 4 year old and 3 other children. We have become friends through PTA and working on Fall Fest together. She met us for coffee too. We are all planning on walking together when it gets warmer and continue our social hour over coffee.

Smith wore his new green outfit to coffee. I didn't realize he had ears until we got home. Yes, I know, his belly is huge.

It has been windy and cold lately but Chuck really needed to get outside this afternoon. Smith was asleep so after Chuck's music class we played outside. He drove me around in his Hummer he got for Christmas and we went in a safari.

Tomorrow Smith and I have one errand to run. Then I might take advantage of nap time. Since I will be all by myself this weekend I will need to save up the energy. We are going to one of the girl's houses for a birthday party, even though I have never met her little girl. It's still a good excuse for social hour. Hopefully I can have them over for coffee or lunch one day.

News on the yard is that it should only take 2 days. There will be a crew of 7 guys working, jack hammering, planting, etc. I'm so excited it will be done so quick and by Chuck's birthday weekend. We plan to enjoy the backyard after his party!

Smith did have his first formula bottle tonight. At about 5, Smith wants to eat but he nurses about every thirty minutes. I can keep up with the rest of the day except at dinnertime so tonight I had to supplement with formula. After a little bit, he took a whole bottle. Now we just wait to se if his tummy hurts.

I'm so tired. I need to sleep. Night

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27 February 2013


This is what happens each day before school. Chuck always insists on a hug and kiss and many days he requests a snuggle. Not sure if anyone else really enjoys it!

Yesterday was a tough day. Smith did not want to nap. Starting at noon I tried to get him to sleep since he really hadn't napped all morning! Our afternoon was filled with a lot of screaming and holding. My arm was so sore by the end of the day. Finally at about 7:30 I gave him Tylenol and put Oragel on his front gums (because I noticed weird tongue movement). He was asleep within 30 seconds of using the Oragel!

I have a friend! She is a wife of a cardio thoracic surgeon at Dr.'s hospital. She also has a 3 year old at Chuck's school. We have been averaging coffee dates about every two weeks. We are meeting again tomorrow. Makes me feel a little more settled :)

Dr. Worked last night but will be able to play this afternoon. I am praying that March brings warm weather especially since he is working the next three weekends. This mama needs to be able to send Chuck outside! I also want to get new tires for the jogging stroller so Smith and I can get outside every morning.

We are starting our yard makeover next Wednesday. It should take about 6-10 days. I will send some "before" pictures. Nothing crazy. The biggest part is tearing up concrete to replace with grass.

Smith is actually sleeping today and I have gotten a couple of things done. Still I'm pretty tired. Exhale.

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25 February 2013


I hit the Old Navy sale today and saved $70! Usually for Chuck I buy polos in every color, a couple of shorts, and a bathing suit and he is set for summer. Of course I had to get a few things for Smith so he could match his brother.



I love sales and $4 shirts! These will be great for frog hunting. Smith got a pair of overalls that are SO stinkin' cute!

I have figured out the way Smith likes to fall asleep. He wants to face out, straddle my knee, and bounce. Out like a light within minutes!

He really is starting to look like a baby instead of a newborn.

Well since daddy has to work and didn't have time to play we made the most of it. Dr. was our target and we worked on aiming our nerf gun while he showered!

Smith is starting to laugh a lot more. Can not wait for the belly laughs to start!

YouTube Video

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Number one

And not to play favorites..... A picture of #1 at the mustache bash!

...... With big brown eyes and the unruly straight hair.

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Blue Eyes

These pictures are for Gma because it is a picture of her only blue eyed great grandchild! And her favorite.

I dressed him in blue this morning and noticed how blue his dark blue eyes looked.

If they stay blue and his blonde curls stay that way, we are going to have another lady killer on our hands.

Yes, that is an unruly curl on top of his head.

Makes me think of Spillway's song "blue eyes".

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24 February 2013

Our weekend

Yesterday I really thought dr. was going to be around. About every two months he will go to sleep and stay there. He got in bed Friday night and got up Sunday morning. Yes, he slept for 31 hours.

Since I wasn't planning on being on my own we had a low key day. I finally got around to cleaning Smith's room (which I actually couldn't even get in the door). Smith napped and Chuck dressed baby dolls in the clothes I was putting away that Smith had outgrown!

Then we played video games that dad and Chuck got for Christmas. It really helps chuck with his hand eye coordination: brushing alligator teeth, swatting bugs, frog goes eating flies, ringing bells to wake up birds, hitting piñatas, and looking for ladybugs are just some of the games!

Today was a really good day! We started it out at the grocery store to pick up a bell pepper for some chicken spaghetti.

Chuck was "Super Robin" and he "drove" the bat mobile for me!

Then we ventured to Lowes to get some seeds and dirt to start our container part of the garden. We planted some strawberry plants and carrot seeds today.

Chuck also played in his car and went on a safari while Smith enjoyed the great weather.

We visited our across-the-street-neighbors and played in Mr. Dave's superhero car.

Ate snack

And both boys took a nap at the same time so I had "mommy time"!

It's going to get cold again but Spring is just around the corner!

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