12 July 2008

better boy

today the weather man said that it would be 96.  i don't know why, day after day, we trust him.  on the way to lowes, the thermometer read 101.  

one corner of our yard (behind our master bedroom) is surrounded by railroad ties.  we are assuming that this has been used as a vegetable garden because it is a complete square and would be a very ugly flower bed.  so, we decided we would make our own vegetable garden.  yes, i know, we have missed planting season.  but, we have decided that global warming is on our side.  so now is the time to plant!  the only vegetables we could find at lowes and home depot are tomatoes and assortments of peppers. we cleared out the half of the square (after several bouts of roundup) and poured manure and topsoil to make the soil nice and tasty to all the veggies we plant.  so in 101 degree weather we planted 2 "heat wave" tomato plants, 2 "celebrity" tomato plants, 2 "better boy" tomato plants, 1 red bell pepper, 1 green bell pepper and 1 jalapeno plant.  we also planted 2 rosemary plants.  

when i asked the man at lowes if it was still ok to plant vegetables, he said (and i quote) "yeah, you can still plant them but your gonna get your tomatoes later in the season than you would if you had planted them when everyone else did."  are you kidding me?  so my 6 inch tomato plant will not be producing hundreds of tomatos at the same time as my neighbors four foot tomato plant.  astonishing i thought.  how could that be!  

11 July 2008

little river

recently i have become aware of the fact that my thighs are growing rather large.  when dr. started work i decided that i too would get up at 5:15 in the morning and get a walk in.  my first few walks were very pleasant.  everyday it seemed like it was getting hotter and hotter.  one day as i was admiring the yards and i spotted what looked like a miniature horse.  (really, how would this be possible.  our neighborhood is in the jackson city limits and a thoroughfare connecting the suburbs to downtown.) i must be hallucinating, i thought.  at first it seemed like a statue but as i neared the yard, it moved.  i don't know if there is a word describing how startled i was.  since i thought there was a possibility i could be experiencing symptoms of heat stroke, when dr. got home from work, i insisted he go see mini horse with me.  when dr. and i drove by that afternoon there were two girls holding onto the electric fence surrounding the horse and petting it.  so, it is true.  there is a mini horse in our neighborhood.  there is also a mini stable and mini horse jumps.  long live little river.

first timer

wow! welcome to the web!  this is our little blog so we can share our life with our friends and family!  bare with us because we have no idea what we are doing but hopefully will figure it out quickly!