12 September 2009

the meeting

samer and molly just met face to face. i think it was a good idea to let them become friends through the door first. it has been a crazy day with the cats today. samer was screaming bloody murder this morning because he got his foot caught in a string hanging off the towel. we was out of the box but the foot was stuck in the box. i think he was having flashbacks from under the house because when he was found he had four feet covered in scabs and a broken tail. he was freaked out this morning but his mama came to the rescue and then he continued on with his playtime.

we met the coleman's for lunch to eat bar-b-que. when we got home, we walked in the door and molly came to greet us just like usual. we noticed she had her foot turned out and was walking weird. we noticed her hip joint sticking out on the side so dr. picked her up and popped her hip back in place. i heard the pop. mr. john said my face turned white. i don't know how she did it but i think since she is heavier since her surgery, she has a little bit more trouble doing things. she was such a good sport letting dr. work his magic. you could tell she almost wanted his help so just gave in.

so after all that cat craziness, dr. decided that it was time for the meeting of the cats. i told him that i did not want to witness it. he put them in the kitchen together and they immediately started smelling each other. within 2 minutes, samer and molly were wrestling and chasing each other and our house became a circus. molly is so happy to have someone to play with and we are so happy samer has someone to play with.

this morning was samer's first time not to eat from a bottle. i tricked him by putting the bottle top in a dish so he chewed on it and eventually was licking the rice milk. i thought that was such a huge step! he can feed himself! while he was playing with molly this afternoon, molly started eating. samer saw her eating but had already walked straight through her food without doing anything. well once samer realized what she was doing, he decided he was going to copy her. he ate a piece of her food ( which scared me because i thought he was going to choke). i immediately tried to take the piece away from him but apparently he liked it too much and got mad at me and tried to bite me. so i decided to give him his kitten food and he ate a whole plate of it! in one day we went from a bottle to real food. makes my life soooooooooo much easier! i had to separate the cats for a while because they were so tired. i am sure there will be another play station tonight.

i have some videos of them i just can't find my cord. for non cat people, you probably won't find them interesting but they are pretty funny.

10 September 2009

samer back in the day

this is samer about for weeks ago, my how he has grown!

samer weber

seems like little samer enjoys the computer just as much as molly. you can see his "half" tail in the picture!

09 September 2009

first gift

baby weber got his first gift today (see, i just said he.... i am going to be sooo shocked when it is a girl!). the Mississippi State Medical Association Alliance had a babyshower/welcome party for our alliance and also the medical students wives have an alliance. anyways, for all the poeple who just had a baby or are expecting a new addition, a little gift was given. so baby weber got his first gift today!!!! also i won the door prize and got their cookbook that they put out every year! i'm never lucky enough to win door prizes. i just don't have that kind of luck. yea for cooking on my new stove!!! we also got an ornament from them. very cute ornament i shall say!

07 September 2009

boy or girl

we will be taking bets on whether it is a boy or girl. also once we find out the due date, we will start betting on the due date...... you could make some real money off of this. so put your thinking caps on.

lego man

so i don't know if i have just really started my symptoms or what. i have slept the entire weekend and just today i started feeling week. not sick at all but i guess just extreme fatigue. i question myself if i really need to go to the bathroom enough to actually get up and go or should i just wait it out. good thing it was a three day weekend. i love four day weeks. next week will be a two day week because i am taking off september 16th for the ultrasound and blood taking (ahhhhh!!!.... still trying to deal with that!) and then we have conferences and professional development the rest of the week so no kids!!! can't beat that! we haven't gotten excited about the growing family because we just don't know for sure if anything is in there or if there is a heart beat. one of my best friends here has gotten to six weeks twice and then there ends up not being anything in there. the egg never developed. so i refused to get excited until i have proof.

and guess what...now there is proof. while i have been sleeping on the couch all day, dr. has been on call at the va hospital in the icu. since there wasn't anything going on and all the patients were asleep, he called and said he could pull the sonogram machine into the doctor's sleeping quarters and see if we could see anything. last time with the belly tool we couldn't see anything but that was 2 weeks ago. today we got proof that there is actually something there. i think it is a boy and dr. thinks it is a girl. so here are some pictures we were able to get. now remember dr. has only had a month of ob in his life so had no clue what he was doing and i was sitting there thinking about the guy i accidently saw with a tube in his throat.... remember i should never be let into a hospital. ( sorry all the pictures are turned sideways)

the above pic shows the heart beat. we were able to see it. this picture only shows the grey dot where the thingy detected the heart beat. you can see a faint little grey dot in the middle of a white looking circle.
ok i wish you could see this picture in person because if you could, you would surely be able to see the lego man that is inside my uterus. i swear i can make out the head ( the whitest white part) and then he has cute little arms coming out. just like a cute little lego man..... one hint that it is a boy!
ok this is another picture. again the pic is sideways but in this picture i think i can see his head. he would be standing on his head (from the way you are looking at it) and i think that the thing that is floating out in the black is his legs curved around..... or it could be pretending to sing into a microphone.... which is another hint this would be a boy because we all know that baby's mama has no singing ability. even though i can do a pretty good rendition of vanilla ice at karaoke night, i truly believe i am tone deaf, therefore all singing ability is from baby's daddy.

now please remember i have no medical experience... in fact i probably have the opposite of experience, i guess i would call it medical fear so the above descriptions of the pictures are totally in my freaky mind that makes things up ( ie. lego man). so enjoy and interpret them however you think is correct.

now i can get a little excited and a week and a half of waiting doesn't seem to long now. keep us and lego man in your prayers!

06 September 2009

new roommate

meet samer rowdy weber.... he goes by samer. dr. got to choose the name for the kitten. he is still drinking from his bottle and has not started licking or lapping things up. he is already potty trained though! yea! hopefully we will get to post a video soon. he has soooo much energy and loves to run around but he is such a good sleeper too!


tonight dr. and i will have a pork tenderloin. i am going to use a new recipe. dr. is tired of the cranberry one i have been doing. mr. john this comes from diabetic living so you should give it a shot. everything should be in your cabinets. very simple.

Balsamic Pork Tenderloin

1 1-pound pork tenderloin
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon snipped fresh rosemary
2 cloves garlic, minced
3/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 recipe Balsamic Glaze

1. Place tenderloin in large resealable plastic bag set in a shallow dish. In a small bowl, combine balsamic vinegar, oil, rosemary, garlic, pepper, and salt. Pour over tenderloin. Seal bag; turn to coat tenderloin. Marinate in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
2. Remove tenderloin from marinade, discarding marinade. Prepare grill for indirect grilling. Test for medium heat above drip pan. Place tenderloin on grill rack over drip pan. Cover and grill about 40 minutes or until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the center of the tenderloin registers 155 degrees F.
3. Brush tenderloin on all sides with Balsamic Glaze. Grill for 1 minute more. Remove from grill. Cover with foil and let stand for 15 minutes (the meat's temperature will rise 5 degrees F during standing time). Slice to serve. Makes 6 (2 ounces cooked meat) servings.
Balsamic Glaze
In a small saucepan, bring 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar to boiling. Reduce heat; boil gently for 5 minutes. Makes about 1/4 cup.