15 January 2011

Family funday

We played family again today! We began our day with scrambled eggs and some serious playing followed by a nice long nap.

Today we took Chuck to PetSmart to look at the animals. Not sure if he liked the animals or people better.

He watched the dogs being groomed.

And he talked to the birds.

When we got home we practiced walking.

Ate some rice and beans from mom's Mexican take out

And then daddy fixed a purple bath.

Today was a pretty good day.

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14 January 2011

Mississippi teacher of the year

This just got dropped off in my room.

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13 January 2011


I know we have been a little MIA this week. Not many pictures or videos. I thought I would record some tonight as we ate and got ready for bed. These videos are probably the most uninteresting videos you will ever watch but if you are missing the little guy then you can watch him doing the things he does everyday. He gives us a good giggle and shows us how he can stand up. ( Please excuse the cleavage shot.... they are all real.)]

Yum Yum

Splish Splash

Just Playin'

10 January 2011

Snow Day

And what a beautiful day it was. No snow, but a day at home with my boys. Drew is on an elective rotation the first two weeks of January so we have been playing family! It is amazing what a difference it would be if Dr. worked a 9-5 job. He said he would be working 3 jobs. I realized I like having unexpected days off because I haven't planned anything. I am a little OCD when it comes to planning ahead and I tend to plan to do so much when I have time off. The past two days we have all stayed in our PJ's and just played. This morning, Chuck had his first ever pancake and he even wanted to drink my milk out of my cup. This guy is growing up so quick! He now even pets the cat by himself without grabbing any of Molly's fat rolls ( I told him girls don't like that.) He has also started saying kitty cat. We say it with mostly K's so he has been starting to use his K sound.

We did actually get out of our jammies today because I had to run to the bank and post office. Dr. and Chuck decided to come along just to get out of the house. Chuck woke up at 6:00am on the dot this morning like he was ready for school or something. Most other days I have to wake him up but my clock hit 6 and that guy was standing up about to start calling me. I have been so lucky to have Dr. here this first week back at school. I don't know how I have done it these past months when getting both of us ready for school, the car packed and heated. Phew! Guess I will find out again in about a week.

Dr. and I were talking tonight about how busy this little guy is. Of course, we think that our kid is busier than all others. We also think that other parents hide their frustrations and pretend like it is easy raising a child. We think it is the hardest thing ever. At this point, there has to be a hand ( and a lot of the time two) on Chuck at all times or there is going to be a serious head bonk. Surely, we aren't the only parents that can't wait for their child to go to bed at night. We love him to death but I can't wait to go to the bathroom without a little boy sitting on my lap, walk around the house without 23 pounds in my arms or bending over helping a 23 pound sack of flour walk. I do admit that the kisses and the hugs and the hysterical laughing and talking make it all worth it but I guess I am just saying I would like to sit down at some point during my day. As I said recently, until now naptime was just Chuck's naptime. Now as soon as I put that sucker in his bed I rush to get everything done and then run to the couch. Never felt so good. I love to hug on him when he gets up and wants a bottle in the middle of the night but I do enjoy getting to put him back in his bed. Love the little guy but occasionally I just like to sit on the couch for 5 minutes, not jump up for anything, and not have to talk.

I have MLK day off next Monday! Dr. and I are even talking about getting lunch without the Chuckman ( I will send him to daycare if it is open). It will be the first time in a long time we will get to eat at the same time or even both be sitting at the same time. We have reached that point that when we go to a restaurant, one of us walks and plays with Chuck while the other one eats and then we swap.

No pictures today because this guy is moving so fast all of them are blurry. At least it is a 4 day week for the next two weeks!

And no, no snow here. Just a small coating of ice. Better luck next time I guess.

09 January 2011

Sibling Rivalry and Lemons

We are waiting to be "snowed in" here. They keep saying it is coming but I will have to see it with my own eyes. Thank goodness for the Cozy Coupe! We have made several and by several I might mean hundreds of laps around the house. In fact, it got a little bit too cozy and someone fell asleep!

Chuck takes a little snooze in his car.

He has been playing away in his new playpen. Like I said, Molly is jealous and now Samer is becoming jealous as well. Watch this video of Samer trying to get one of Chuck's toys. Chuck takes it away and then decided to try and share.

Yesterday, we got out of the house and got Chuck's playpen and went out to eat. Chuck did well at the restaurant. He got impatient when we were waiting for our check. Dr. and Chuck walked around the restaurant ( which is a great little restaurant that just opened in our neighborhood). He was just smiling away at everyone and everyone they walked by talked to Chuck. He is such a people person. Dr. gave him a slice of lemon. He actually really liked it and kept wanting another lick!

This little guy loves to eat everything! For breakfast he ate scrambled eggs and for lunch he ate chicken spaghetti! ( I know, highly allergenic food but there are no allergies in either family so we figured we were safe.) He loved both. We fed that to him because he is getting to be picky. He loves finger food so much that he is starting to only want finger food and not want much pureed food. He also would much rather eat off of our fork than a kiddie spoon. This little guy is pretty smart. Anyways, here is a video of the lemon.