06 March 2010


A local hole in the wall ( just about two blocks away). It's places like these that make sunny weekends even better. Can't beat a club and a milkshake. You can't get this in the suburbs!


Baby Chuck and I are feeling a whole lot better. I think Wednesday was just a bad day. I guess you gotta have one of those every once in a while to appreciate all the other days. We went to sleep at 7 last night and woke up this morning at 7. We are well rested. This "relaxing" and putting the feet up is not going too well. It is beautiful here. A little chilly this morning but I have some things inside I need to get done. I have been going through all the shower stuff from this week and baby Chuck will forever be wrapped in a blanket and has plenty on sleepers and onsies...... well at least until he is 9 months old.

After lunch, I am going to clean my car out/ vacuum, etc. so we can get the car seats in. Although I feel a lot better, I do still feel like I could have this baby at any second. I am trying to hold off. Bob Bob is in Florida for the weekend so we at least have to wait until Sunday night:) You know you are over the whole pregnant thing when your husband runs to the hardware store and asks if you need anything and your only request is a c-section! I just want to be able to do things again. Luckily I am not having problems sleeping..... still tired but can fall asleep in a second!

Tomorrow will probably consist of getting some flowers in the pots on the back deck. Can't stand the dreary backyard anymore. The leaves have all stopped falling so we have to get rid of those and get ready for Spring. Dr. is going to power wash the house since it is rather green these days.

Another good thing that is happening here is that the cabinet locks are sitting on the counter right now next to a drill!!!! Could it be that they will go on today!!!! ( It's the little things in life that excite me these days!)

It seems that Chuck has moved a little. The other night by stomach started shaking and now his rump is back on my right side and not above my belly button where it was. Guess we will see for sure where he is on Monday! Can't wait!

We are going to do a little more chores around the house. Samer is on the keyboard snoring which is making it somewhat annoying to sit here and type. Surely he is getting tired of me moving his foot when I need to hit the space bar.

The sun is calling..... until next time.

04 March 2010

Time stands still

Is it really only Thursday? In the past 3 days I feel like I have aged 80 years. This is the longest week ever.

I am starting to feel overly pregnant and YES I am going to whine about it because I haven't complained my entire pregnancy and I think I deserve it. I feel bad enough that I have been granted the honor by my self to whine.

Actually this week has been fine. I woke up Tuesday with so much energy, Mrs. Lorthridge thought she was going to be delivering a baby in class. I got to school 45 minutes early and just got tons of things done! My second graders and their PARENTS threw me a baby shower! I had NO idea and totally threw them off when I showed up so early to work. They definitely fooled me with "broken coffeepots" that needed to be fixed by Mrs. Lorthridge so she could leave the room. Mrs. Lorthridge also faked a stomach ache all morning which totally fooled me. My kiddos yelled surprise and their was cakes, chicken sandwiches, meatballs ( which has been at ever celebration since I have arrived at that school..... must be a cultural thing.) I am a very hard person to surprise but somehow they pulled it off. I blame it one my pregnant looney state of mind. Yesterday on Wednesday, all the teachers threw me a shower. I found out about this one. It was expected though. So Baby Chuck has been outfitted with tons of clothes, socks, and blankets! He has tons of outfits to get all dirty!

Unfortunately I had so much energy on Tuesday that Wednesday I thought that for sure I was about to keel over and die. I think the only time I have felt worse was when I had some kind of bug in Nashville and actually could not physically move for four days and averaged about 24 toilet hugs a day. I know you wanted to know that but I really wanted you to know how my day went yesterday. Horrible, just horrible.

Dr. has just finished his 7 nights straight. He has got 6 days off and it is supposed to be beautiful so I have already told the cats it is going to be mama and daddy time. Time for the final countdown. We got some things we gotta do. Of course a picnic at the reservoir, maybe some flowers in the pots, definitely some leaf blowing and power spraying. Those darn cabinet locks that I bought when I found out I was preggers ( at week 7) will be put on or I might go postal. I have been looking at them on my kitchen cabinet for nine months now. I know, I know, it will be a while before the baby will be going into the cabinets but for now I just want the cats to stop opening and slamming the doors. Mama doesn't find it funny.

I was going to go buy a bathing suit and do water aerobics but looking at the calendar it looks like I would only make it to about four classes before Baby Chuck's arrivals so I don't know if I want to spend twenty five bucks on a flattering bathing suit that I will wear four times. SO I may just take up couch sitting instead ( which is highly recommended by the doctor anyway).

So I feel like I am stuck in a time machine and it is not turned on. We are just sitting in the same hour, not moving at all. The doctor told me this time would fly by but it certainly isn't flying as fast as I thought it would.

Today starts a new day. Not sure if we feel good or bad today. I do know that if the cats don't stop trying to eat my cheerios it will turn into a bad day pretty quickly. Off to save my cheerios and get ready for school. Ahhhhhhh.

01 March 2010

Sooner or Later

Soooo, I have talked to most of you on the phone about our growing little boy! At our visit today, our blood pressure was still a little high. Chuck is bottoms up right now so is already prepared for his arrival! The doctor wants me to "cut back" on work. For me, mentally, that is not an option. I would be too stressed at home thinking about my classroom and how I would not have any income coming in. Dr. thinks I should be at home. I have somehow talked both of them into letting me tough it out for two more weeks which will land me at the beginning of spring break. I promised my feet would be up the entire week. After that week, we will see what my blood pressure is. Because of the light swelling, I am supposed to quit running errands and come straight home from school and put my feet up. So Dr. will take over any grocery shopping for the next few weeks. ( I know he can't wait for this baby to come so I can once again clean the litter boxes and do the shopping!)

We are getting an ultrasound on Monday to check on Chuck's development and see exactly what week he is measuring. About 5 weeks ago, we were measuring a week ahead of our due date. The doctor wants to see how big Chuck is and how developed those little lungs of his are. After spring break I will be 37 weeks. So if my blood pressure has not gone down, she would most likely induce and not risk anything. With high blood pressure you have the risk of seizures which would be fatal to the baby. So we would not want to wait around for his arrival if there is a chance something could happen to him while we are waiting.

So all in all, we will find out a lot more once we know how big our baby boy is. I am expecting a March baby instead of an April baby. We could be seeing our little cutie pants in about 3 1/3 weeks or we just may not see him for 6 weeks if my blood pressure goes down.

Wednesday, the teachers at school are throwing a shower for me and baby Chuck so I think I will probably be fully outfitted with diapers! I finally got the stroller put together and my bags ( and Chuck's bag) is packed for the hospital! So, as of now we are just playing the waiting game, which it seems we have become so good at in the past couple of years!

Oh and it is supposed to be 65 and sunny on Saturday. Maybe that will get my blood pressure down.

Also, the hospital where I will deliver and where I was once a member of the gym has water aerobics for us fatties ( as in preggos). Since water aerobics displaces the swelling for 48 hours, I asked the doctor if it was too late for me to start the class ( because you usually start it at 5 months.) She said it would be a good idea to go. Again, the bathing suits are at target now!!! I apologize that there will not be any pictures. I will probably do the whole class with my eyes closed. I can't imagine having to put on a bathing suit right now. Gives me the heebbie jeebbies. So I am going to check out the classes and see if they are at a time when I can make it.

Love to all from Mama and baby Weber (Dr. is on nights right now.)