10 December 2010

Catch Me If You Can!

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09 December 2010


Chuck's first PTA meeting was a success. He wanted to hold my hands and walk around the whole time. Then we got tired. He said he doesn't want to do it again.

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08 December 2010

Mommy Thumb

You know, there are times in my life (and they have seemed a lot more often lately) when I kind of just have to admit that maybe I am a little bit off my rocker. Now, I am thinking I don't give myself enough credit. Maybe I am not that crazy.

Just saw this article and now I feel less of a hypochondriac. I knew something legit was wrong! Mommy Thumb

07 December 2010

Breakthrough and Breakdown

Yes ma'am it is true. Our teeth have decided to join us. I should have seen it coming. We had lots of super duper diapers this weekend and after looking at yesterdays daycare report, which had a dirty diaper every diaper change, I should have seen the clues! Chuck's teeth broke through. My guess is they were working their hardest between 4 am and 7 am this morning. We had a very early morning this morning. Chuck decided to wake up at 4 and not go back to sleep so it is then that we started our day. Unfortunately, we were not in a good mood and mama still had to get ready for work. So our morning consisted of me trying to shower, blow dry, apply makeup, dress, and warm up the car while our little teether sat there and screamed at the top of his lungs because he wanted to be held. Yep, I know you are jealous! What is a gal to do when she has to get ready but the baby wants to be held and snuggle? Eventually, I was driven to the floor in tears. There I was, sitting next to a shrieking baby, my makeup running down my face, crying. Oh how I needed to call in sick but couldn't because the thought of me actually being prepared and ahead at school is just a whole other story. Phew! What a day.

I felt awful dropping off Chuck at daycare because I knew all he wanted was for me to kiss on him and hug him. I had to run out of daycare before I started crying again because my baby cried all morning and I knew he needed me. Did I mention he napped on the way to daycare? Sometimes I wish I had a remote control car seat in the house. Well, don't fret, Mr. Grouchy was still here after daycare which was no fun because I got even more screeching. Finally, the little lad fell asleep while we were wrestling on the bed. That little munchkin hugging my big ol' tummy and snoring, definitely ended the day a lot better than it started, and not just because he was finally asleep.

This is what we look like at 4 a.m.

06 December 2010

Happy holidays

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05 December 2010

Deck the Halls

We had a nice weekend. Dr. had to work .... I think he has been working nights for the last three months. Maybe someday soon we will see him again! Chuck went Christmas shopping with me today to get his cousin's gifts. I tell you what. I really need to go shopping without the Chuckman.... I went to Target today for a Barbie and a gift card and when I got back to the car I realized that I had bought an african american Barbie and had forgotten the gift card. I guess I gotta go back to swap the Barbie out anyway. Chuck found Target amusing. I have no idea what he saw but every time we passed a certain aisle, he started laughing out loud and throwing his arms in the air. No clue but it was hilarious.

I did find out that you do not take a baby shopping when it is nearing his naptime. Chuck was getting sleepy and started slouching and falling asleep while riding in the buggy. I would have taken a picture but I was having to hold him up with one hand and push with the other.

Samer and Chuck went on a mission together today and ended up under the Christmas tree. Samer took the ribbon off the present and Chuck took the paper. They had no interest in the actual present which was just sitting there unwrapped still under the tree.

Chuck paid me back for taking him shopping by being a mister grouchy this afternoon but some jumping on the bed and some food and a bath cured the grumpies. We are ready for another week to fly by. Dr. has to work a couple of more nights and then he is off for about five days and I know Chuck can not wait to have a little wrestling and rolling around time with his daddy. Dr. was surprised when he saw Chuck army crawl from one end of the house to the other. We are going to have to lower the bed in the next week or so because I think Chuck just realized that he can pull up. He just can't quite get those feet under him. I am pretty sure that once he can pull up he will be walking.

Chuck plays with mama's pound puppy that is 25 years old.

What a ham! Ready to go Christmas shopping with mama.

This book is so good!

I'm busy.