17 November 2009


I have been in denial this whole time that I was pregnant. Maybe out of fear that something would be wrong with the baby or that I wasn't ready to be a mom. I think I have finally come to terms with it. Now that I know I have a baby boy on the way, I am so excited and totally convinced I am pregnant (but still in shock!) I walked in tonight and Samer was SO excited to see me. I thought, "if my baby boy is anywhere close to being this happy to see me when I get home, it is going to be a good life!"

Drew's text to me today " Life is good! Arkansas playing basketball in HD on my new TV and I'm gonna have a son! Now if only I could sleep!"

And, I think Baby Boy Weber is starting to kick mama a little harder!


16 November 2009

More cute things

Been trying to find a diaper bag for Dr.

I thought this diaper bag was cute!

It's a boy!!!!

Yes, this is a picture of what you think it is. Just verifying it for you guys!

15 November 2009

Dr.'s new toy

Dr. has been complaining ( since I met him ) of not being able to see the TV. He likes to watch football games but when he can't see the ball it makes it pretty lame. Since Dr. had such a bad week and we had been talking about not having Christmas and just getting a TV, I decided to take him TV shopping yesterday! We decided that the 350 pound TV Kat and Ty let us have was somewhat out of date. ( Thank you though!!!! It served us well!!!!) We also thought that Baby Weber would be embarrassed to have friends over and not have a TV like everyone else's! So here is Dr.'s new toy. We were going for a 42" but Dr. talked me into a 46" ( I mean, how could I let the guy down, he has worked so hard and has earned it!) Haven't seen him this happy in a while.... i mean except when we found out we were going to have a family of three! Unfortunately the picture doesn't do it justice.

We were laughing so hard in the store because Molly uses the big TV to jump up on the bookshelves but now she has no way of doing that! She is going to be so confused!

Baby Dr.

We have been trying to figure out what our child is going to look like but we are so opposite that we have no idea. Thought I would put this picture up so those of you that don't know what Dr. looked like when he was little, could see it. This is when he was one year old. Unfortunately the iphone does not take good pictures of pictures.


Ugh, I am sitting here waiting. I have 21 1/2 hours before we find out the sex of the baby! I don't know why I am so impatient. When I find out, I am just going to go home and do some school work. Hmmmm, just trying to find things to pass the time. I have cleaned the entire house, been grocery shopping, done laundry, cooked a pot of spaghetti, and am currently taking care of my sick hubby.............. yes, you heard it here first....... whatever I had, he has now. I am somewhat surprised. Usually we don't get each other's cold, except this cold spread throughout my whole class once I got it so I guess I assumed he would get it too.

Tomorrow I also get my swine flu shot! (Phew, a little stress off my shoulders.)

Well it turns out that my best friend from home is due just six weeks after me! Also, two of my good friends here are both pregnant ( one with her first and one with her third!) They are six weeks behind me and 14 weeks behind me. Sooooo I will not at all feel like I am doing this all by myself. At least I will have people to share the baby fat with me! In our wives alliance I would say there are about 13 girls that are pregnant.

On the baby fat front..... I had accepted that I was larger and fatter than I should be at this point in the pregnancy and had also accepted that I still have twins growing inside of me. But I read on the internet ( and I believe everything on there) that I have actually gained what I am supposed to at 18 weeks. ( Can you tell I am still having issues with the whole body changing thing!)