11 August 2012

Chuck takes on the zoo

Since daddy is back at work until tomorrow night, we headed back to the zoo. When I asked Chuck what he wanted to do, he said he wanted peacocks. Then he added kangaroos. We actually didn't see either today but his animal cravings were satisfied.

It was not as hot today. In fact, when we left to come home at 11:30 it was 85. Chuck is so well behaved at the zoo. He just wanders down the paths, sings songs, and looks at the animals. He knows not to run because we need to be careful and don't want any "bo bos" on our knees. It is actually a pleasant experience and I feel like I am just taking a walk in the shade.

Today we did the other half of the zoo that we didn't get to last week. We saw Macaws, anteaters, rhinos, and the elephants, giraffes, snakes and birds. The zoo also has a petting zoo and a little play area so that Chuck could drive trucks and go through tunnels. It actually has everything the Jackson zoo does, it just seems the Tyler zoo is better taken care of.

We have been going early enough that we get to see the giraffes, rhinos and elephants up close in their cages before they are let out onto the grounds. They have a wonderful covered eating area that is a perfect place to have snack and watch the giraffes and elephants eat their breakfast.

10 August 2012

Daddy Skills

This is great!


I forgot to mention that all the kids got dinosaur hats today! I found them at Dollar Tree for a dollar! Apparently, Chuck wouldn't take his nap without his dinosaur hat and keeps waking up to make sure it's still there!

09 August 2012

Snap, Crackle, Rawr

This is what happens when a teacher becomes a stay at home mom ( with no kids at home). She makes dinosaur Rice Krispie Treats using sandwich cutters.


Chuck has a dinosaur party tomorrow to celebrate the end of summer school. He has next week off and the will start his fall semester. He has formed an extreme obsession with dinosaurs. I can NOT imagine how fast his mind is going to be going once he starts his fall semester: learning so many different things! His mind is going to explode!

I am making goody bags for his class. They are each getting a Dino egg that hatches in water, two Dino finger puppets, 3 small dinosaurs, a package of Dino fruit snacks, a magnifying glass to look for fossils, a Dino that grows in water, some Dino bubbles, and a crazy straw! Everyone will be Dino-ed out!

Next week we will be going to Texarkana and Little River to spend time with cousins since both daddy and Chuck have a few days off!

08 August 2012

Seeing Blue

Yep, It's a Boy!!

07 August 2012

Boy vs. Girl

Tomorrow at 9 am we find out what this baby is! I think it is a girl BUT I really just assume it's a boy and won't be shocked if it is a boy. I will be utterly shocked if this bambino is a girl. Chuck keeps changing his mind on what the baby is. He's back to boy now.

Here is a picture of my growing belly and a picture of Chuck drawing a Stegosaurus.


Chuck's teacher caught a picture of my big boy catching some Z's at nap time today. Sweetest boy ever!

05 August 2012

Circle Time

So every week we get a report of what Chuck has worked on during "individual work time".  This past week on Wednesday there wasn't a list of things.  All it said was "reenacted circle time".  Chuck LOVES circle time.  The letter said he reenacted calendar, song, book and dinosaurs.

This is what usually occurs at circle time.  They sing "5 dinosaurs jumping on the bed"( as the teacher uses her dinosaur puppet to sing) , the teacher gets out her dinosaurs and they talk about how some are big and some are small.  They talk about their colors, etc.  Then they read a book about dinosaurs.  ( The theme for summer school ( school wide) was dinosaurs. Before this summer Chuck has shown no interest in dinosaurs.)

So when Chuck gets home from school he loves to reenact circle time.  The other day I picked him up and we were not 50 feet from the school ( Chuck strapped into his car seat) and he goes "Mommy, Ready?  Iiiiiiiit's Storytime!"  He had me laughing so hard.

So I caught some of this one tape.  In the video he is singing the 5 dinosaurs song.  You will notice he had pot holders on his hands.  His teacher uses the dinosaur puppet so he scoured the house for something to use instead.  At first, he was using his rubber ducky faucet cover.  I was clueless as to what he was doing until I realized he was making do without a puppet.  Then the kid found the pot holders.  What an imaginative little guy!  So you will see/hear him singing.  You will then see him get mad at Dr. for making a noise and Chuck tells him to "shhh" and put a "bubble" in his mouth.  Chuck then proceeds to put out his dinosaurs so he can continue his reenactment.  You will see he has a book in front of him.  That is his farm book that he uses to reenact story time.

 You never know when he is going to tell you to put a bubble in your mouth. Apparently his parents talk to much.  I love it though because when we are out and I need him to be quiet, all I have to say is bubble and he does it.  Also, if he is touching things or we are in a public restroom, I tell him to put his hands behind his back like he does when he is in line and I don't have to worry about him touching anything.  He is such a big boy!

This kid cracks me up! I am loving that he is starting to really use his imagination.  It is so fun watching him because I remember how fun it was to reenact and make-believe when I was little.  He is so sweet when he does this.

This is the actual script of everything Chuck is saying in the video below.

"Mommy Doctor said, No more dinosaurs jumping bed, bump his head.  Mommy doctor.  SHHH.  BUBBLE. Little dinosaur jumping bed, bump his head.  AGAIN?"

"Open it, please?  I want pour it out?"