24 November 2012


Well, no nap but we got our powerball ticket for tonight and we got our pansies planted!

Sleeping Baby

Note to self:

Don't wake up a sleeping baby. He won't go back to sleep. Best bet is just to leave him on the garage floor.


This morning Chuck is playing in a tent on our bed while I scoop up last minute deals on Christmas presents online. We are going to work on ornaments today and hopefully get this house clean (all depending on one certain person's attitude).

He is playing on his leap pad computer and it was telling him all about the beach. All of a sudden I hear "I go to beach. I take my shirt off." This kid cracks me up.

Can you believe as much as I LOVE the beach my child has never been. Horrible. Looks like there may have to be a beach trip over spring break or something.

We are just hanging tight these last two days of vacation. We miss daddy and I think Chuck is getting tired of me! Yesterday he said "Mom, morrow I go to school, k?" Ha, like I'm holding him hostage and purposely not letting him go to school.

We have a doctor appointment on Thursday to start looking for weekly signs of labor. Every pain I feel I think it's the beginning! Who knows. I wouldn't be surprised if on Thursday the doctor says that it looks like there are signs the baby may be here sooner than later. If not then I am going to be one miserable pregnant lady for the next few weeks!

22 November 2012

Gobbled up!

Well worrying really takes it out of you.

Lunch with the neighbors was a success! Chuck chuck was just an angel. He said hi to everyone and waved at them. We took his barn and farm animals. He sat in the corner of the room singing Old McDonald and playing. He sat at the table for a little bit but entertained himself the majority of the time. The lady who
Invited us had a stuffed chicken that played the chicken dance song. He played that the entire time we ate. I didn't worry about the noise because she was the one who put it out for him to play with!

Right around dessert he started whining a bit so I turned him around in my lap, pushed his head on my shoulder and started swaying. He was gone within 2 minutes. He napped on my shoulder about 30 minutes. I then took walked him home, threw him in bed and he slept another 2 hours!

We have raised one good little dude! The only time I feared we were going to have a problem was when he irked up a knife from the table and said "look a sword" and wouldn't it it down. Also letting himself out the side door while we were eating was a little startling but I was able to corral him back in after a few minutes.

I'm not saying I wasn't stressing the whole time and did a lot of sweating trying to keep him as happy as possible! It wears a pregnant lady out! I told him I was so proud of him tonight and he said "I know. Chuck play with his toys." Such a sweetie!

Gobble Gobble

Happy Thanksgiving! Dr. is working in Sulphur Springs until Monday morning. I am so thankful we got to have some family time and have an early Thanksgiving! Chuck and I were going to drive up and surprise him but he is working nights so will wake up for work too late for us to drive back and will go back to the hotel too early in the morning for us to get there!

Our next door neighbors have invited me and Chuck over for lunch. I have only spoken to them three times! These are not our neighbors across the street who we just ring their doorbell if Chuck wants to play with the dogs. I don't really know a thing about these neighbors. One of Marmee's friends has some kind of connection with them through her mother so it's not that we are going over to someone's house that we totally don't know about!

Chuck slept in again this morning. I need to start getting him back on his school schedule again! I asked him what he wanted for breakfast. He said carrots. So, he is eating carrots and watching the parade!

I am hoping that Chuck does not have a two year old moment today at lunch. Every time I talk to her I say "We will just play it by ear. If we start having a moment, luckily we are just next door and can just scoot home!" I was hoping that she caught that and knows that I'm not going to stay and try and get my child to behave if he is having a meltdown (I'm 35 weeks pregnant... that aint happenin'!) And that it is possible that we never even last until lunch! We will see. Maybe he will fall asleep in my lap like he did in church this past weekend. I'm starting to worry about it all but keep telling myself that worrying is silly and is going to make me go into labor!

After lunch we will hopefully nap and then begin decorating the tree. I told Chuck I would put on Christmas music so he is excited about that! All he is doing lately is singing non stop!

Hope everyone has a splendid Thanksgiving! I hope ours turns out that way!

20 November 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like......


I figure it's now or never with the Christmas decorations! I was feeling a little crummy but got a little energy late afternoon. We went tree shopping. We decided we would go fake for a few more years and then we may venture into the real trees for the kids.

Chuck got a tree for his room. We put lights on it and when we turned out his bedroom light we heard a long drawn out "Wow". He picked out some dinosaur ornaments to go on it too!

Dr. went ahead and got the Christmas boxes out of the attic so Chuck and I can decorate over the next few days.

So far so good.....

19 November 2012

Survival of the Fittest

Chuck has the week off and daddy is working all week. Actually Dr. has Tuesday off but then goes to work until Monday morning. So besides shopping for a Christmas tree with daddy tomorrow, the two of us are on our own this week.

We had our Thanksgiving fix this weekend in Texarkana. Chuck got some major playtime with the cousins.

As much as I complain about my firecracker, he really is incredibly well behaved and rarely causes any problems ( unless it's around nap time!).

So this week it is survival of the fittest around here. I think Chuck might win!

Today we have been pretty productive. We went to PetSmart and the grocery shopping and it was stress free. I am pretty tired from this weekend. Just seems when we are other places than home, there is always a lot more bending over and picking up of a heavy toddler. Chuck is pretty independent at home.

Chuck did sleep until 9 today which was wonderful! I am starting to have problems getting comfortable. I have no problem sleeping, just the adjustment of Smith when laying down, so the extra rest this morning was nice. Smith has been very active lately. He was just kicking when I settled down at night. Recently, he has been going crazy when I eat and has playtime each afternoon. Every once in a while I still question whether I am starting have contractions but then any pain goes away for several hours.

I was going to work on potty training this week but I am so tired. I know I will be even more tired once Smith arrives.

Chuck is currently eating a plate of carrots as I type this. Again, this child can not be mine!

Now to convince him that we should lay down for a nap!