19 January 2013

Aunt Koko > (is greater than) Mommy

Well Chuck has gone with his Aunt Koko and his cousins for the weekend. It is going to be a great chance for me to try and get this chubby baby on a schedule!

Smith is still eating ALL THE TIME but last night he actually slept between feedings. That was not the case the night before. In fact, Chuck added to the mix by waking up at 5am. Chuck started banging on the bedroom door while I was awake feeding Smith. I wanted to go back to sleep but neither of them did! Alas...

As Chuck was leaving today, I apparently was being too mommyish by making sure he was buckled and had everything he needed and Chuck said "Go away, Mommy." My baby is a big boy I guess!

Here are some pictures!

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15 January 2013

Holy Moly

Lets just say that once I had Chuck I wasn't sure I was cut out for being a mom like I once thought I was. With two, it is just reinforcing all that all over again!

I would have gotten my tubes tied on Monday if there was an appointment!

I did figure out after the past two nights that actually cooking dinner is not doable with two kids. The meat was on the grill, Smith was crying and I was trying to get Chuck on the potty and in the bath. So I have learned that if I don't have help, dinner will be take out or crock potted.

The other night Smith stayed up from midnight until about 5 and then Chuck woke up at 7. This would have been just fine except it was a weekend. By the middle if the afternoon I had fallen asleep
On the couch. Luckily after just five minutes Chuck smacked me in the head with his soccer ball and woke me up.

Needless to say, Smith and I are napping during the day while Chuck is at school sooooo, no we don't get anything done! It has been over a month since the house has been cleaned. I am dying to vacuum but just can't find the energy or time.

This child eats 24/7. He's already over 11 pounds and almost 1 month old. I not complaining too much because I have 10 more pounds to lose before I'm back to my "pre pregnancy weight" and of course I was fat when I got pregnant because I still had Chuck's weight so will have another (about) 25 to lose.

I am looking forward to feeling like a normal human being again and maybe starting to exercise. I am holding Dr. to my tropical vacation once all the weight is gone (without kids ! Yes, babysitters will be needed!)

As crazy as this house is, Chuck is IN LOVE with his brother. I have to tell him to stop kissing him. First of all, he practically smothers and suffocates the baby and I am getting a little panicked about this flu going around.

I've been trying to keep Chuck relatively busy after school. I'm dreading this 3 day weekend coming up!

Chuck coloring his train that his teacher brought him over Christmas break.

Chuck actually built a car with a hammer and painted it. (His favorite color is green.)

Chuck working on scooping and transferring with Rice Krispies.

Chuck making green cupcakes.

Our pillsbury dough boy.

Daddy and his boys.

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