07 May 2009

upset mommy

so it was suppossed to be molly's big day at banfield pet hospital.  all did not go as planned.  they told dr. that it was going to be 470 dollars.  well we all know he has never had a cat before but does $470 sound like a good price to you?  so while molly was sitting in a cage all day watching the dogs walk by, dr. decides to call cara.... the animal shelter that dr. so thoughtfully rescued molly from. he lets them know he is unhappy he paid for a spay and his cat has been in heat for 9 months now. somehow cara got in touch with banfield, told them not to do the surgery and that they were going to try and find one of their vets to do the "exploratory" surgery that needs to be done.  SIDE NOTE ... this exploratory surgery entails cutting a 6 inch long incision in my precious child, sitting molly's intestines on the table while they look around inside her.  now picture the doctor describing the surgery to me when i went to pick up a pissed off molly today.  i told him he needed to explain this to my husband because i don't do well with this stuff..... he kept on talking... i continue to start sweating profusely (because we all know that i can not handle any type of medical thoughts, experiences, encounter, etc.) i start hearing a high pitched beep that i always hear before i faint.  so i said "i'm sorry, i think i am going to faint, you have got to stop talking" and i turned around and sat down on the bench in the waiting room. whew. ok, i didn't end of fainting.

so molly sits in the cage for a total of ten hours today.  dr. might have cat scratch fever from the fight she put up this morning getting into the carrier and it did not sound like they were winning the fight when they put her back in the carrier this afternoon.  i am pretty sure all of pet smart was aware that molly was not going to put up with this shit. ( can i say that word on a blog?)

so cara wants to hook us up ( are those the right words..... i guess I mean "fix their mistake") and are considering paying for this exploratory surgery since they had a faulty vet do the first spay.  i am not too excited about this concept.  i do not want some untrained mexican ( if you are mexican i apologize that i a taking this out on you... i am kind of pissed off) laying my kitties intestines on the table looking or ovarian tissue some awfully trained veterinarian left in the most wonderful cat in the world.

now, molly is back at home and out of the carrier.  she has been in heat the past 4 or 5 days but the second i let her out of that carrier, she walked away and has not said a word since she got home.  either she didn't get any sleep because there was too much action going on in the boarding area or she is scared that if she makes one peep she will be returned to the vet.  whatever the reason, if we decide not to pay $470 for surgery, whenever she goes into heat, we will ask the vet to keep her for a few hours so she appreciates home even more and doesn't always want to drive her parents insane.  maybe we will actually get some sleep tonight.

gotta love a bog- great way to vent!~

05 May 2009


i know panic right!  don't worry.  the only person... or should i say cat... that is going under the knife is our mollygirl.  molly has quite regularly continued her days in heat.  i would not be surprised if animal control showed up because it sounds like we are torturing cats at our house.  dr. has the week off since he finished his boards ( yeah!) so he will be dropping molly off thursday morning.  they can not just take her estrogen levels so have to go in for an exploratory surgery.... i tell you what.  if they do not find anything in there, i will tell them to take the stitches back out and take out SOMETHING.  this cat is not normal.  never in my life have i seen a cat act like this!  she has been spayed before because dr. can feel her scar so we know there is an ovary or ovarian tissue still in tact.  

also molly has had failure to thrive since she has lived with us.  i think she is still so tiny because she is not spayed.  spayed cats usually get a saggy belly that hangs below.  molly is still acting like a kitten and carries her toys everywhere with her and is thin as can be but eats all the time.

so anyways, pray for molly on thursday.  i am going to be freaking out because she is like my baby and i am not going to be there for her and will probably faint when i first see her anyway.  

ok,  well 13 more days until summer (seriously)! woo hoo. 

oh and to those who knew about my knee problems ( my knee was big and swollen and i had trouble walking for several days)  well turns out that all the running i was doing in my reeeeeeeally old tennis shoes was causing the painful and swollen knee.  so i am no longer popping advil all the time.  i am back to running normally in new shoes!  yeah!... still fat though.

04 May 2009

step 3

as I type, dr. is at sylvan learning center taking his boards!  he was quite nervous this morning.  he started at 9 and it will take 8 hours.  he will then go back tomorrow for another 8 hour sitting.  he has been studying up a storm so i hope his nerves don't get the best of him. 

not too long ago, dr. took his inservice exam which everyone across the country has to take and got his scores back.  at first he was a little upset about it but after talking to others, he realized he actually did ok!  so proud of him.

i am enjoying a personal day at home today.  i took the day off so i could clean and make sure dr. had a good meal tonight.  he has the rest of the week off so i wanted to make sure he could just relax this week.

our veggies are growing... still slow but they ARE growing.  it looks like we will most likely get beans, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon and peppers out of our garden this year. the rest of our yard is looking great.  maybe the best on the street (besides the mansion house... how can you compete with people that have a gardener who trims their grass with scissors... seriously).  we have gotten compliments on how green our grass is.  neighbors have said they have never seen anyone in the backyard and have never seen it with that much grass in it!  yeah for hard work!

molly continues her days in heat.  hopefully while i am off this summer we can get her spayed "again" and I will be able to be her nurse.

we are still having fun with baseball games, cookouts, girls night outs and diners with friends.  the new residents are just now getting here so we are meeting even more people.  the wives alliance has their end of the year party this saturday night so that will be fun because all the husbands are invited. 

well 14 days more with kids for me and then it's SUMMA TIME~