29 June 2013


Well, friends. I'm just going to tell it like it is. Right now Texas is so hot I saw a bird pull a worm out of the ground with an oven mitt.

Yesterday, it was in the 104-106 range per some car thermometers. Today, it was reading 100 degrees.

Of course I feel the need to always have something for Chuck to do. It would be different if Smith could play (which is starting to happen). But right now Chuck just isn't good about going and playing by himself.

This morning everyone decided 5:30 would be a great time to start the day. We ate some breakfast (the boys), drank coffee (me), and screamed for no apparent reason besides just good ol' fun (smith). Then we headed to Sonic. Sonic is currently my favorite playground. This is only the second time there. There is a lot of sand (good thing we took our toys!), a bounce house, slides, and tons of shade! There is a roof over the seating area which is great for albino baby! Because of the angle, the roof shaded half of the playground until about 10 but still shaded the sand where Chuck was digging.

We met my friend and her 3 yo boy there. They are very familiar with life in the medical field. It's nice to have someone here who is in the same boat as I am.

We played for almost 3 hours! There was a breeze every once in a while but never got too hot because the side walk where the tables are stayed in the shade so there was no heat for it to give off.

Chuck spent most of his time jumping in the bounce house and digging.

I thought for sure that after an early morning and 3 hours in the heat that I would get some naps out of these boys.... NONE. Smith didn't even nap. He stayed awake for 12 hours straight! Sonic needs to start spiking drinks because I'm just not gonna make it!

We did have to run a few errands (no sleeping in the car either). Chuck looked like a freaking college student!

As I said, they boys are starting to play together. Smith is pretty much sitting now (although I can't quite walk away) and he is able to ride in grocery carts now!! That means its almost time to get rid of the infant car seat!!! Here's some pictures of the playing!

Love it.

Smith in a cart-

This child gets so much attention when we go out I have to factor in an extra 10 minutes for random thigh squeezes. Bless him.

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27 June 2013

Good ol' days

Last weekend my friend from college came to visit for a few hours. Tara came from Dallas with her hubs and two little girls in tow. Our children are almost the exact same age (just a few months apart from my boys.)

The kids played in the sand box, pool, and just ran around. We sat under the fans on the back patio and just caught up. It was pleasant under the fans.

I have made a few good friends in Tyler that I can pick up and call or text at anytime of the day or night. It was so nice to sit down with a friend of almost 15 years, though. Just chatting, no judging. Felt good and relaxing. The boys and I really need to go to Dallas more often. If we didn't have Smith tagging along, Chuck and I would go all the time.

Tara's hobby is photography. I'd have to say it's a different level from my iPhone pictures :).

Here are some pictures Tara got. The only picture I got was my naked son sitting in a dump truck that was filled up with water.  I am going to pass on that picture and show you Tara's instead!

Chuck gave Mary Doran a cape and mask. I was pleasantly surprised when she was totally cool with the whole superhero thing! I had told Chuck that not everyone likes to play superhero. I think Mary Doran is a keeper.

Check out Tara's blog and some more pictures at Casagrove.

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26 June 2013

Swim lessons

For a little boy who hates getting his hair and face wet, Chuck has been doing great. There has been some tears and some choking on water but Chuck has been a very good sport and has worked very hard. He gets so excited about it!

Our swim teacher comes to one of our friend's house and teaches 2 three year olds and a 5 year old.

So proud of Chuck for trying so hard even those times when he is not so sure about it!

Smith enjoys watching his big brother but when Chuck cries, Smith has to cry with him.

Daddy got to join us today!

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23 June 2013

Sunday Funday

I know it's going to be too hot to do anything by lunch so we try and get out as early as we can. Today we went to the splash pad and went on a hike. Usually the splash pad is crowded but I guess the best time to go is when everyone is at church.

Chuck does not like to get his hair or face wet so we took a bucket and dump truck with us so that we would have more to do.

After playing, we got on one of the trails in the park and hiked to the lake. It was nice and cool in the shade.

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