17 March 2012

Neighborhood Wanderer

Some things that we did today....

Got our head stuck in the kitty bed at the neighbor's house.

Collected rocks in the neighbor's bushes ( thank goodness these neighbor's are out of town).

And played in the sand in the backyard.

We also went through a car wash ( love his big eyes at the end of the video).

And looked for kitty cats.


At first, Chuck did not really care about his Christmas present that Marmee and Poppy gave him. Now, we LOVE it. Today we drove up and down the street collecting rocks ( notice the pile of asphalt on the back of his 4 wheeler.) We have been roaming the street all day. A neighbor came out and asked how the "neighborhood wanderer" was doing today. Chuck is notorious for walking around/through people's yards, up on their porches and all in their bushes. Hey, if it keeps the kid entertained, I could care less!

16 March 2012


It is my last day of spring break ( alone) and somehow I am a huge stressball. I think I have had Dr. home for so long that I don't know how to do things by myself anymore. I am totally stressing on having Chuck all by myself tomorrow.... for one day..... really? I have had him all by myself for three weeks straight at one point and I am having anxiety about tomorrow.

I think I am actually becoming scared of this two year old. He is just like his daddy and is totally NOT a morning person. In fact, this morning when I woke him up he reached up and gave me a nice smack on the face ( yep, slapped the shit out of me.) Now granted daddy doesn't do that but daddy does not like to get up in the morning at all. I fear the tantrum or the punches/kicks that are in my future. We will be two in one week and I don't think this stage is going to be over anytime soon.

So we have someone looking at the house today. I cleaned all day yesterday and today, emptying out closets, moping, dusting, and fixing things. Most of the stress comes from showing the house and with Dr. working that means I have to keep up with it... alone. I keep thinking that in 10 weeks if not earlier, we will be closing on a new house, I will be out of school, and most of the stress will be gone.

This person has GOT to give us a decent offer. I am going bananas over here knowing that our time frame is getting shorter. Now would be the perfect time for an offer.

On a happier note, our inspection on the house in Tyler is today! We aren't expecting anything since the house is about 5 years old. Positive thoughts.... ahhhhh. On Sunday, we are taking Chuck to New Orleans to see his cousins and to celebrate his 2nd birthday with Dr.'s family! That's about all the kid is getting for his birthday. Although, I can't help but want to buy him a bouncy house or a play house. He has so much fun playing outside. He would sleep out there if I would let him.

Now, I am going to do some final touchups before the people arrive. is it illegal to listen to them on the baby monitor. :) I would put (j/k) but I totally am not kidding.

15 March 2012

Eating Out

If anyone know our child you know that eating out is pretty much impossible. While in Tyler, we ate at McAlisters and Chuck sat the majority of the time. We decided it was because we were outside and he had a coke. Today, we decided to do dinner as soon as Chuck got home from school. We went to Sal and Mookies to get pizza and pasta and to sit outside.

Well folks, it didn't last long. By the time we got our food, Chuck had already had a coke, eaten his dinner, had some ice cream, and flirted with the ice cream girl for free M&M's. So we got a doggie bag and came home. He did really wonderful eating his meal but after walking around for about 30 minutes we decided we would spare everyone in the restaurant! His first cup of ice cream wasn't as exciting as I thought it was going to be. He ate the whipped cream off and passed on the ice cream!

I love this little guy.

12 March 2012

The Boom Boom

Yeah, yeah. We bought a house. No biggie. ( Now we just gotta sell the other one!) And we are home safe.

Chuck slept about 4 hours on the way home. I thought for sure tonight would be a bust. Over the weekend he stayed up with Marmee to watch Saturday Night Live. Tonight, he went down at 9:30 without a fight.

He still had enough energy to have our nightly parade. I guess he learned this at the Mardi Gras parade. This is definitely a nightly occurrence that he forces upon us.

11 March 2012

A new place to call home!

We have a house! We offered at 6 and had accepted a counter offer by 9:30! Poppy and Marmee are bringing Chuck back to Tyler tomorrow and we are going to show everyone our new house! We almost made an offer on another one but a cute little boy kept coming up and the house we made an offer on is more fit for Chuck ( like no white carpet).

So all in all, Chuck is going to have a place to live. I mean how could this thing not influence your decision?

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