28 August 2010

What a weekend!

Well, we had an exciting weekend. We rolled over for the first time from our back to our stomach!!!! The doctor said it would happen in the 5th month and we did it at 5 months and 4 days! We didn't get it on video because mom just didn't think he would actually do it. He hasn't done it again so it may be a while before the video shows up here on the blog!

We also had some company. Marmee, Poppy, Two Mommy, and Paka Nick drove all the way from Texarkana to visit us for a night. We had so much fun! It took a little while to get used to the crowd but by the end we were laughing and smiling like crazy. Chuckmiester ate dinner as late as he could so he could take a bath and have our good night bottle later and spend more time with everyone. We may have waited a little bit too long because we fell asleep while Poppy was burping little man!

Marmee is so much fun.

These people wear me out!!

On a much different note, our AC also broke. Luckily, it shuts down right before it over heats so once it cools down, I can turn it back on. So, I am supposed to check the AC every 30 minutes ( um, WHAT!!) just to make sure the fan hasn't stopped spinning. The part is ordered. It could be anywhere from Monday to Thursday before it comes in. We will just turn the AC off during the day while we are gone and turn it on at night. Chuckster wouldn't go to sleep tonight because he was uncomfortable. He finally went to sleep three hours late once the air was back on and it had cooled off a little bit.

Anyways, thats that. Adios for now.