30 April 2011

Won't you take me to, Grumpytown.

I had just told someone that we were good at teething and not too cranky and then this week it started. Tooth 7 and 8 started coming in and maybe some others too far back to see. Chuck was cranky Wednesday morning and Wednesday night. I gave him a little tylenol and he was good. Thursday night at 5 o'clock, he looked at me and said "night, night". I asked him if he wanted his ba ba and he pointed up and said "ba ba". So I gave him a bottle and by 5:05 he was asleep. He slept all the way until 6 the next morning. Last night he went to bed late because we took groceries to the other 2nd grade teacher who just got home from the hospital with her new baby. Then, we took daddy some dinner since he was working until 2am. Chuck woke up this morning about 30 minutes later then usual and cried and whined ALL morning. Finally, I stuck him in his crib and he took a 3 hour nap!

Stupid mama decided to take Chuck to get a pair of real shoes. First of all, we went to Belk... now I know I need to take him to stride rite next weekend. Apparently, this little tyke has wide feet. I got the right shoe on in about 5 minutes. It took me about 30 minutes to get the left one on. They are the cutest navy keds. Once we got in the car, Chuck took the left shoe off and the sock, I guess to just add a little humor to it. I am hoping that the left shoes was kind of stretching out while he wore them but can't be so sure that it own't take 30 minutes to get the shoes on tomorrow.

His face in these pictures show exactly how our day turned out. He is napping again because the crying and whining wouldn't stop.... oh and somehow he peed on me through his diaper. Awesome.... these are the days I am glad he has an early bedtime.

April is over! Yay! We made it through the month without daddy. Drew has arranged his May schedule where we may get to see him one or two days in May. I am already looking forward to June. I will be out of school and Dr. has vacation! I am thinking about working a little bit this summer in the Curriculum and Instruction office because that is what teachers always strive to be a part of. Don't know if I have the job yet though.

Alright, I am going to regain my sanity before Sir Grumpsalot wakes up.

28 April 2011

Close to Home

Found this article today....

26 April 2011


I do have some videos! These are videos of Chuck reading books and playing with his cousins.

Puke, Tornados, and Exhaustion


OK, I didn't want you to think you would be getting any pictures or videos. I actually have several videos to put up but they are on Drew's phone and well.... you know.... I think he still lives here.

Anyways, Chuck and I made it back from the Easter weekend. I did not get anytime off because some ice storms earlier in the year. We had a pleasant trip. On my way back, I was thinking about how easy and enjoyable trips are now. Chuck is eating people food and drinking milk. All I need to travel is diapers, clothes, and a sippy cup! I don't need vacation after my vacation anymore. ( Exhaustion is the new happy, just like fat is the new skinny, or a moo moo dress is the new black.) So yes, traveling is somewhat normal again.... as much as having a one year old around can mirror anything you ever had in your "prebaby life".

On my way back I also had a split second of a thought in my head... since Chuck was born I have not even fathomed another child. Slap me silly and call me straight up crazy if I even thought about another child because we all know I can't handle the one I got. It was the first time that I had pictured us as a family of four, Chuck as a big brother, and even the thought of being able to handle two children. And then it happened... yes my friends..... Chuck yaked, puked, up-chucked, heaved, sprayed, vomited all over the car. ( I hope no one is eating dinner.) Thank goodness my child threw me back into reality and reminded me I DO NOT want another child in the next year and traveling is NOT easy. Chuck was soaked on his front and then was sitting in a puddle. We ( as in Chuck and I) had to pull over and the Chuckman was indecently exposed in the parking lot of the gas station. I got Chuck cleaned off and had to stash him on one side of the car while I used a whole package of wipes to clean up what I could. I am pretty sure that nothing could have prepared me for this. Luckily I had extra pajamas, wipes, and toilet paper in the car. I had to fold a blanket up for him to sit on ( even though he was soaked by the time we got home two hours later because there was no way to actually clean and dry the carseat while stuck in the middle of podunk Mississippi.)

We made it back to Jackson and I was able to give him a sponge bath and change him one last time. He was so happy to be home. I put him in his bed and he laid spread eagle on his bed and moved his arms up and down feeling his sheets. ( He has these incredibly comfy sheets Marmee bought him.) It was so sweet. Ok, so the boy was asleep and I had to get the car seat clean so I would be able to get Chuck to school Monday morning. The cleaning of the car seat involved many 4 letter words, some throwing, and a midnight laundry load. I would bet it took me a good 30 minutes to get the cover off the seat and another good 30m minutes to the the %$*^$@ back on. I seriously thought about going to the 24 hour Wal-Mart and just buying a new car seat.

The whole car seat debacle took a good part of my night Sunday night so I will admit I am exhausted. I am at a point ( where I was when Chuck was first born) where you are so tired you can't remember anything. Like, Did it rain this morning or was that yesterday morning? and What day is it anyway? Did I eat anything today? When was the last time I saw Drew?

And speaking of rain... I think Arkansas is getting slammed with storms right now. They are expected here a little later so I am going to stock the closet with snacks and juice and sippy cups! Tornados are coming!

4 weeks and 3 days until summer..... it's true....