13 August 2010


Well, since we have been back at school, we have found a significant amount of mold or mildew in our classrooms on our 2nd grade hall. We cleaned it all off our desks, chairs, and doors about 2 weeks ago and we found that on Thursday that it had already grown back. My concern was that the air quality was not good for me or my students and much less the spores I am brining home on my clothes were not good for Chuck. The air quality was tested today and we will get results back sometime in the next 24 hours to see if we have to move out of our rooms. I am hoping we do not have to move out for longer than a week because I am not in the mood to take down everything I have put up, wasting all the hot glue sticks I have used and all the bulletin board paper I have bought. I am hoping it is something that can be fixed with some diligent cleaning, a change of ceiling tiles, and a filter in our AC vents. It is so wet in our classrooms that name tags are not sticking and new bulletin boards will not stay up.

On a happier note, Chuck went to bed last night at 5 and he slept until 12 midnight at which time I gave him his cereal bottle and he went back to sleep and slept until 6 am. Yes, it is true, I got some sleep last night. If you want to call us after 4:30, please DO NOT call the house phone ...769 number... and please call our cell phones... if we don't answer the cell phones we are probably giving a bottle or rocking little man to sleep or possibly using the restroom! We will get back to you. The main reason we have the home phone is for our alarm system. Anyways, this weekend, I am going to add in a cereal bottle first thing in the morning followed by a little breakfast of fruit at the next feeding. I have been waiting to add those until a time when I could be with him and gauge his eating schedule as it changes.

Tomorrow, Dr. has to work so Chuck will join me at a baby shower. When Dr. gets home tonight, I am going to make midnight run to the grocery store to get ingredients for the cucumber sandwiches I have never made, and to get some fruit to dump in a bowl and make it seem like I cut it up for a fruit salad.

Tonight we tried some green beans. I think we can go ahead and put them in the same category as the chicken. We are also VERY close to rolling over. For some reason, I can't get the sound of the rolling over video to work but it doesn't matter, he wasn't talking or anything. Happy Friday everyone.

12 August 2010

Loving Life

And now a very unimportant video to make you smile.

Clean up.... aisle one

Well, it seems dinner didn't go quite like I had planned. It's times like these that I wonder how we ever survived without little man in our lives! I just can't get over how precious he is.

11 August 2010

Just say no to chicken

Well, today we went for some meat. We tried chicken. Chuckster hated it so much that he started gagging. Guess we will stick with the veggies for now!

Chuck also helped Dr. build shelves in the bathroom closet while I went to my Zumba class.

10 August 2010

Daddies are the best

Dr. and Chuck spending some precious father/son time together after Chuckers and I had been away for four days.

Mind your Peas and Q's

Carrots went over well. No significant reaction. This week we tried peas and we love them. Chuck would prefer you just to shovel the whole bowl into his mouth at once. He is getting the hang of opening his mouth which you can see in tis video. This little guy is just the cutest little thing I have ever set eyes on. The past couple of nights he has wanted to get up at 3 and play a little bit. Last night, he was absolutely hysterical. I laid on the couch and he was kneeling beside me. I think he may be getting the hang of peek-a-boo because he would all of a sudden put his head on my stomach and then lift it up real quick and look at me and chuckle. He is just so sweet. He is starting to give the biggest and wettest kisses and has actually stayed awake for a little while after daycare the past two days.

Tomorrow ( Wednesday), I start school. The children come on Monday. Although, I will miss being at home with the rug rat, I am so thankful that I had so long at home with him and had the chance to see his personality develop.


09 August 2010


Chuck had his first playdate! We drove to Gulf Shores to see Mary-A and her baby girl, Sophia. Chuck and Sophia are 2 months and 1 day apart. Sophia played hard to get but Chuck didn't care, he held her hand anyway.

He's a Talker

Well, it is true. We have a talker on our hands. Chuck rarely cries but when he does get tired or hungry he starts talking up a storm. He doesn't disturb others at restaurants because of his crying but because he is talking way too loud. Here are a couple of videos from our trip to Mobile. Remember if you are viewing this on the blog, and not as an email, go to the right side of the blog and pause ( two vertical lines next to each other) the iPod so you can hear the videos!

Day Talker

Night Talker