13 August 2011

Elephants and Spiders

We went to the circus today. I thought we would have to leave early because Chuck's attention span isn't huge. He got really antsy right before intermission but then came back and was amazed by the rest of it too. I think the elephants saved the day. He watched a 2 hour circus! His little arms must be so tired from clapping.

This isn't even during the circus.... this was before it ever started. Imagine how excited he was once it started!

Chuck gets ready for the show to begin!

Chuck's girlfriend accompanied us to the circus and also had a ball.

Tired after a long show but at least we got a clown cup!

Lately, Chuck's favorite song to sing is the Itsy Bitsy Spider. He likes to do the spider part and the "washed the spider out" part but doesn't like to wait for the in between stuff to be sung. He also really enjoys hiding behind the piano and saying "boo" to try and scare us!

Tomorrow, Dr. has to work nights so it was just me and Chuck this morning. We had a pretty good morning and actually fell asleep on the couch together. Tomorrow Dr. will be sleeping to prepare for work tomorrow night so we will be on our own again. I guess we may go visit Bass Pro Shop. It is still a little to hot to go to the zoo int he afternoon.

Next weekend, Granna and Bob Bob are going to stay with Chuck. I will be out of town and Dr. will be out of town moonlighting. I think there will probably be an 8:00 visit to the zoo on Saturday and I wouldn't doubt it if there is a visit to the Natural Science Museum or the Children's Museum too.

Is it Spring Break yet?

Thank goodness that week is over! Last week was the pits....

from Chuck deciding to wake up an hour early the first day of school... that can't happen because I have to have time to get ready.

then Chuck spilling a whole cup of milk on him right before walking out the door to school (which means bathtime..... and bathtime right before leaving stinks because then my clothes get wet and I have to change and that means we are cutting it close on time)

and don't forget the ticket for not wearing my seatbelt a block away from my house.

and the fact I didn't get to get in my classroom until the day before the kids showed up because there was no AC in the building.

After this week I was so unprepared for the kids to arrive on Friday. After the first day of school I have totally realized I am being punished for something. I am not sure what I have done but I am definitely being punished for it! With the kids that walked into my classroom I feel as though this year is not going to be my favorite year... at all. You would think children would act normal the first day of school. Good gracious.

There is one little dude I am going to enjoy being around this year and it is this little guy. The food lover himself...

11 August 2011

"Every day may not be good but there's something good in every day."

This little guy is the only thing that has kept me going this week! This has been one crappy week. Students come tomorrow and I am soooo not ready for them!

Aunt Coco sent Chuck some back to school clothes. When I picked him up today I asked his teacher why he was wearing dog tags. She looked at me funny. I then realized they were actually part of the shirt. I guess this mama wasn't really paying attention when she dressed her baby this morning.

Our first parent teacher conference as parents is coming up! Hope we get a good report!

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07 August 2011

Back on!

Ok, so Mr. AC man came and saved the day. He was here no more than 5 minutes before the air was back on. Apparently our capacitor needed replacing. Luckily he says we have a very reliable unit and should be able to make it last until the move.

So we got up to 85 degrees and it was starting to get a little uncomfortable and Chuck was getting a little temperamental for a sec. We were just starting to get sticky and sweaty when he showed up. So 85 degrees and $300 dollars later, our house is slowly cooling down. We are at 79 now. I am very thankful we just replaced the ceiling fans!

We spent probably a total of 2 hours in the sink today. My theory is "if it won't kill him and doesn't ruin anything, who cares, let's do it".

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Save us!

The AC guy just called and said he has one more person before he shows up. It is just now starting to get uncomfortable in here. Chuck fell asleep for his nap two hours early. I think he was worried about the AC and the stress got to him. He must take after his mama on the stress part and his daddy on the sleep part. Thank goodness Dr. is moonlighting. Looking like a new AC may be in our future rather than a down payment for a new house! Cross your fingers that our AC guy is a genius!

I am also letting him drink coke because I feel bad we can't go anywhere and have to stay in the hot house.


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Well our AC went out around midnight last night. Chuck is staying cool by playing in the cat bowl while we wait for the guy to
come which hopefully will be soon. Dr. is working today.

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