26 January 2013

Where's daddy

Did I mention Dr. is on nights from now until the end of February. That sounds great that he works while we sleep however he has to sleep sometime. Unfortunately, that sleep time is our awake time. He is in Sulphur Springs right now. Not sure when we see him next but I sure could use him to rock a certain someone or get another someone some milk!

We actually had a decent day. But, Smith slept most of the day so we will see how our night goes.

Chuck and I had some serious make-believe play concerning a jungle, snakes, a train and Captain Hook. My goal is to get in and out of his cardboard train without my hips getting stuck!

Chuck worked on some motor skills today (so Montessori, I know).

He worked on some hammering with his hammer, golf tees, and foam blocks. He said he was making me a cake.

He also worked with his new tongs he got for going potty.

We had a good day of potty training. We had a dry diaper the whole day until we got side tracked playing in our imaginary jungle. He knows exactly when he has to go. He refuses to put on big boy undies so tomorrow we are going to address that. If he wears them I told him daddy would take him to get ice cream. His favorite bribe gift of the day..... Tongs.

Following a good day, both boys cried themselves to sleep. Chuck cried because I wouldn't pick up a toy he threw. Smith gets all crazy at about 8 and wants to eat (even though he just did) and then when given food, plays and freaks out about it. This is when dad usually takes Smith to his office and calms him down. Smith doesn't like mom to do this so tonight he just cried it out in my closet so he wouldn't disrupt Chuck's crying. I made it through the day without crying.

Looking forward to doing it again tomorrow!

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After making muffins....

Chuck helped mommy take care of Smith. Surprisingly, every time Smith cried Chuck would do something for him and he would go back to sleep!

And how can a box of muffins not turn out good? I never claimed I was a good cook but I can read so.....

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All is well on the Weber front! We had a great afternoon yesterday with little to no crying (me or the kids).

We are up and all slept well. I could have gotten a little more sleep but we have a baby who loves to grunt and eat every two hours.

Chuck and I are about to make some muffins to start off this rainy Saturday.

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25 January 2013

On my own

I'm totally not complaining just nervous as h-e-l-l. I know in my head I make it worse than it really is!

Dr. has gone to work and its my first real weekend alone with the boys. It will be just fine. We are going to hibernate and maybe get some time in the backyard on Sunday. It was 70 here but some friendly cold front rolled in about 30 minutes ago so tomorrow it will be in the 50s.

Mostly I'm concerned about my sanity. Chuck lets me know that Smith crying is too loud. Unfortunately, Smith loves to be held. I have started figuring out the schedule he's put himself on so that is nice. However, Smith has a witching hour.... Chuck never had one. Smith starts it up around 5:30 which is dinner and bath time. Luckily, Smith gets a bath while Chuck is in the tub and it calms him down. It's just a matter of him screaming while you get Chuck dry and dressed. Then, Smith can be rocked to sleep.

The sleep issue makes me want to cry. Chuck was yelling for me every hour and a half last night for some reason. Smith was wanting to eat every hour. Ugh. I was looking forward to a nap today while Chuck was at school but Smith wakes up in the morning and doesn't want to go back down until 11:30 so by then, I had my fifth or sixth wind and really needed to get ready for Chuck to get home from school (make sure dishwasher was empty, clothes were folded, trash cans were empty, etc).

So here we are. Survival of the fittest once again.

Oh yeah, for some crazy reason I think it's a good idea to really wrap up our potty training this weekend. Bribes are ready and I think Chuck is on board. Now, I gotta make sure I remember that he is in undies and make sure he doesn't pee on my couch.... Again :).

~Smith getting to know the rest of the fam.

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22 January 2013

Mrs. Sam

Chuck's teacher stopped by today to bring Smith a gift.

How genius is this.... A hand towel sewn on to a towel to make a hooded towel! Brilliant.

Here's daddy and his boys watching our nightly show before we get in bed.

The past few days, Smith has insisted on being held constantly. We are not looking forward to dad going back to work in two days because Smith will not get to be held 24/7. Daddy is the official "baby holder".

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20 January 2013

One month

Smith is one month old today!

Happy month day Ooga Booga!

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Chuck's room

I have had several people say they wanted pictures of the house. The majority of rooms have one or two things that still need to be done.

Chuck's room is pretty much done. I might add some type of cornice over his window but that is just a random idea floating in my head right now.

Chuck's room is reds and browns/natural.

None of Chuck's furniture was in the old house except his desk. The desk was white and was my desk in the sunroom/kitchen. Drew painted it red with chalk paint.

The small chair came from Chuck's great grandfather's medical office! The trunk under his desk also belonged to a great grandfather during the war.

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