01 September 2010

More mold

The guy on this video retired and I got his job when he retired.

30 August 2010


Mold story, click here

Back up and running

We are back up and running at the Mississippi Weber household! Our AC got fixed today and it is pumping some great cool air into the house! So glad the part did not come in on Thursday.. that would have been a long wait. The guy even called to ask what I wanted him to set the AC on so it would be cool for me and little man when we got home! We are so thankful that Dr. is able to pick up extra shifts when things like this happen. We miss daddy when he has to work over the weekends since that is the only time he gets to see us but we know he is hard at work making sure we are taken care of. Dr. has the first two weeks of September off but he has already picked up about 6 shifts to work during his vacation!

It is ashame that today was Monday. Chuckers showed off while company was here and made it look like he was a good sleeper and napper. As soon as they left, he reverted to his newborn stage where he wanted to eat every 2-3 hours and then every time laid him down on his back, he would scream. Maybe we are just going through a growth spurt and I am sure being home from daycare throws him off his schedule. I think Chuck may be getting a little "mama's boy syndrome". He has started to whine when I go behind the shower curtain and is also starting to be picky about who puts him to bed. I am glad he goes to daycare and doesn't have mommy doing everything for him. Chuck rolled over for the second time today.... no I didn't get it on video because I didn't think he would do it because he was so tired. We have also been working extremely hard on sitting up by ourselves and we are making huge progress!!!!

Like I said, Dr. has picked up some shifts so it looks like he will be working Friday through Monday. I will have a long weekend due to Labor Day so the Chuckman and I might go to Mobile or Mobile may come to us so we won't be alone for four days while daddy brings home the bacon.