07 January 2014

Polar Express

My parents came right before Christmas for about 10 days.  We usually lay low and just hang out.  This time our calendar was full!  We spent a day and night in Dallas, went on the Polar Express, went to Chucks's class Christmas party and drove around and looked a Christmas lights.

The following pictures are from the Polar Express to the North Pole!

And here is a picture of our overweight little guy.  I gave him a straw cup yesterday just to see what he would do ( it took Chuck a looooong time to get the hang of a straw).  Smith took it from me and drank all the water out of it!

06 January 2014


Did I mention Smith turned one? He took his first real steps (15 total) two days before his birthday.

He hated every second of his dinosaur birthday except for the cake part.

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Smith's 12 month checkup!

I know, I know.  I have been MIA.  Fall Fest threw me off track, then Smith and I were sick for three weeks around Thanksgiving and then Chuck got out of school and then Smith relapsed for a few days, blah blah blah.  My phone is currently full on storage so I have GOT to plug that bad boy into the computer tonight.

So, Smith had his 12 month check up he was 29.5 pounds ( Chuck was 24 pounds).  Smith was 31 inches ( Chuck was 31.5 inches at 12 month check up).  So for Smith, the doctor was concerned with his weight.  I was told to stop all bottles cold turkey and just give him sippy cups.  Luckily he likes sippy cups and water.  I will offer milk at meals but no night night bottle.  He definitely asked ( through sign language) for a bottle but didn't get too upset when he didn't get one... i did give him some water in a sippy though.  When Chuck was this age, his weight had actually gone down but the doctor was not worried about him because he was big to begin with.

Smith has two front teeth.  At this point Chuck had two front teeth but also had 5 more coming in.  Smith has no more in sight.  Smith is full out walking now.  Walking form room to room.  Earlier tonight I actually couldn't find him ( I leave some doors closed so he can't ge to toilet paper or cat food) and all of a sudden he just comes rounding the corner out of my bedroom.  Just cruising like he was taking a leisurely walk. At this point, Chuck was not walking.  Chuck walked at about 15 months about month or so we set out on our road trip of the south east to decide where we were going to move after residency.

It has been a long 2 weeks with the boys.  Chuck heads to school tomorrow although he says he wants to "stay home with mama".  I am pretty cool.  Smith and I are going to try and go to the gym in 16 degree weather but he is having attachment issues when we are in foreign places.  Come to our house and he will let you hold him all day.

I will post a video of Smith walking.  For now I will post some from our photo shoot.  Some of you have seen them.