25 March 2012

Two years and one day

Chuck had a fantastic birthday. I had nothing planned for him since I knew we would be in the middle of moving/selling chaos. We didn't even buy him any presents. I ended up taking Chuck to Toys R Us today and letting him pick out some things. We picked out a pool ( it turns out it is tiny but we just need it to last until we move. We couldn't find a tea party set for a boy so we got a coffee maker set which he loves! The one thing he did pick out without help from me was a watering can. He likes to help daddy water the plants on the back deck.

BobBob and Granna came to spend the weekend with us. They always happen to come when we need them the most.... and we don't realize it until they are here. Right when they showed up, we learned we had an offer on the house ( which we are still working through the counter offers). The offering process always makes us stressballs, whether it is us putting in an offer or someone giving us an offer. Chuck was able to play with BobBob all morning Saturday while we cleaned because we had another set of lookers. If Chuck could choose to do anything it would be to play outside so he played all morning with BobBob. While Dr. and I were filling out paper work for the counter offer, Chuck got to go play on the playground with his grandparents. We then ate lunch.outside at a restaurant on the Reservoir. We fed the ducks, watched boats and there even happened to be a live band. A little nap was in store for everyone before we headed to the Sweet Potato Queen parade ( which we just had to take the wagon two blocks up from the house) and to see the Clydesdales. Man are those things huge! After the parade, we listened to a little bluegrass and walked back home. It was great having all the buzz in Fondren this weekend.

Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures from Chuck's actual birth day on my phone but I do have some from today.

Chuck has a tea party through the door with the cat using my sterling silver.....

Chuck trying to be like his daddy.

First day outside in the pool ( playing with our new coffee set and the doggie watering can.)