10 September 2011


I know, I know.... where have I been , right? You don't want to know but it rhymes with "bell".

This is going to be a very jumpy blog because there is so much to catch you up on.

First off, Chuck's haircut.... His hair is like a weed. The only way could trim his hair so he could see was let him watch Elmo while in his car with his milk. I got half of it cut. Oh well, the little guy is so fast he is pretty much a blur anyway.

Chuck and I went home for Labor Day because daddy had to work ( I know shocking.) He really is easier to travel with especially since he has his DVD player. It makes the drive easier. The only necessities for a trip are clothes, sippy cup, and diapers. Of course, we take some food ( just in case) and some toys but those are just extras.

This week I got this daily report from daycare (sorry it is sideways). The important part of it is the part that says: "Chuck is starting to talk a lot. Sat on potty twice but no luck. Chuck is starting to fight." What! My child is a fighter. They say it is actually what all the kids in the class are going through because the 8 of them are all within one month of each other. She said he doesn't know what he is doing but he does get time out. It's not the wrestling, it is the hitting that they were worried about. So we are addressing that at home. The only person he hits at home is me and I don't think he has any clue.

We had talked about potty training at Chuck's parent teacher conference but then the decided they would do two girls first because they are easier. I didn't really start at home. We just talked about it. This kid is potty training himself. He has started getting upset if he has poopy in his diaper and they said at school he starts whining if he tinkles. At home, he will grab his diaper and say "poop". I tell him to go to the potty. In Mobile, we got to the potty in time to get the last "pooplet" in the toilet ( I know TMI). The pooplet was a big deal because we waved it goodbye and had a rather nice celebration.

He has tinkled twice in his potty in the past three days. The first time he cried because I think he did something wrong. The second time he let himself celebrate a little bit. Every night before we get in the bathtub, I take Chuck's diaper off and let him sit on the potty, watch Elmo ( or the news) and read his books. This is a picture of our potty time. ( He pulled it into the den so I decided that it was a good idea and next to plenty of distractions.

Today we went to the Muscadine Festival in Pelahatchie, MS. We went with my friend Heather and baby Molly. Heather and Molly camped out on a blanket while Chuck ran ( fast) around in circles. He did get to pet a camel and a bunny and got to see a horses, goats, and ducks. There was music, arts and crafts, and open space. Ricky Skaggs was playing but we just didn't make. It was a nice waste of a day which is exactly what we were looking for.

Of course we had to get some lemonade. We all know Chuck's obsession with extra large lemonades. He enjoyed boogying a little to the music.

On the way home, we had to stop at CVS for some things. Of course we had to by the Fisher Price little people car wash/gas station. We didn't let go of that box for about an hour. You should have seen us walking out of CVS. I was holding Chuck facing outwards with his feet dangling and this big old box right out in front of him. He wouldn't put it down in the car either. ( It came with a puppy dog.... that might be why we had such an obsession.)

When we got home, we spent some time on Ginger's porch. We played a quick little game of hide and seek. What a goofball.