15 March 2011

New Yardman

We had to get a new yardman. He has a little maintenance to take care of before he can start!

Thanks Aunt Tippy!

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Peabody ranked #1

Peabody is number one in graduate education programs! Click here to read the article. At least my time in grad school was for something. Too bad they didn't teach me to raise a child, clean a house, do laundry, grocery shop, cook, and teach 18 kids all in 24 hours.

14 March 2011

Look Out!!

I believe that little man is desperately in need of one of these...

Please be on the look out if you drive past a consignment shop and see one outside. I would like to find one with a slide and an area he can climb up on but also climb under. He is totally abusing me. If I even think about sitting on the floor ( which is constantly) he starts to climb. He has this instinct to pick up his right foot whenever he is standing next to something like the couch. I guess it is just developmentally time for climbing. Anyways, he likes to climb up on me and then sit on my stomach and stand on my neck and chest..... yup, killing me. I have bruises to prove it!

We have a square place in our backyard that we have always tried to grow veggies. Tried is the key word. It doesn't get enough sun. We figured we might turn that square ugly area to a little kids area with wood chips or something and do our veggies in the next flower bed. The ivy in the flower bed suffered a tragic death through drought and scalding sun. We will try and remove all the dead ivy and plant our veggies there. We have to do something back there because NO ONE is going to want a backyard that looks like ours! We have to realistically think about our house going on the market in exactly one year. I think residents match this week so we want our house on the market when the group next year starts looking. That is how we found our house.

I have driven by a couple of consignment shops already and will visit a few more tomorrow to see what I can come up with.


Can't get over how much I love this guy....even if he is nonstop!

Look at him sporting some new pants! He's so sweet he made me cry this morning.

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13 March 2011


Like I have said before... Chuck is a great eater. Today for lunch we tried ravioli and he loved it! It was a nice change for him.

He had carrots and corn for dinner with a grilled cheese sandwich while he watched daddy burn sticks in the chiminea.

And I had my juice.......

And Chuck had his juice...... and he made sure he drank every last drop.

Tomorrow starts my spring break ( child free) which will be more of a spring cleaning.... we are going to do yard work, wash the house, clean gutters, FINALLY vacuum this house! I can't vacuum while Chuck is awake and I can't do it while he is asleep!! Hopefully we will get this house looking normal again. We have definitely agreed that a maid and yard man are in our future next school year. Ginger says you have to buy your free time.

Grocery time

I finally went to the grocery store! Chuck is not a good companion to take with me and Dr. has not been home so that he could watch Chuck. ( I'm not even sure if he still lives here.). This morning I decided to brave the whining( which I don't do well with) and take Chuck. Six weeks is too long to not go grocery shopping and I figured that noone would be there in a Sunday morning at 7. I went to Kroger so we could get the cool buggy. I thought it might curve the whining a bit and provide some entertainment. I was wrong. Chuck still was very vocal and continued to try and climb out. The only time he is quiet is when he hears the beeping at the register.

Doesn't it look like he is thinking.... Really mama, you wanna do this? I warned you.

And fascination with the register.....

He tried some real cows milk when we got home.

Daylight savings did not fool him and the second the clock hit 6 ( with the new time) he was up. That means he was up an hour early. Needless to say, the whiner is back in bed cause this mama couldn't take it. Now I am going to lay my noggin down. Let's hope it's a long one!

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