13 October 2009


Tomorrow will mark the first day of the 14th week! Tomorrow is October 14th which is exactly 6 months from our due date which is April 14th!!!! We went to the doctor today for our monthly check up. They had to take my blood today.... i know..... seriously. I didn't faint! I reminded the lady that I was a fainter and she asked if I wanted to lay in the recliner. I asked how many people actually use it and after she said that tons of people have used it, I decided to recline! I read the Jon and Kate plus 8 tabloids to her while she pricked the %(#$ out of me. She could have put duck tape on my arm hair and that would have felt better. Oh well, I survived! We heard the heartbeat again (which we have been listening to weekly). At first they couldn't find the heart beat but we had just heard it three days ago and I hadn't felt weird so I knew it was in there. Finally they found it! We go back in 4 weeks and find out if it is a girl or boy! I think it is a boy, doc, drew, and miss penny think it is a girl. Any other takers?

We met with the insurance lady to talk about the monthly payments for the medical care. It still hasn't hit me that I am pregnant.... it kind of hit me when she asked who my pediatrician was going to me........ um, i have no idea......... apparently i need to get one asap!

I just finished actually looking at my stomach in a mirror for the first time. HOW WEIRD> this is just crazy..... weird. I still can't accept it.

Here are pictures of me during week 13....... the belly finally surpasses the boobs. The other picture is of me reading my TMZ tabloids so I don't faint while getting my blood taken. I am pimpin' (wearing) a sweet (cool) high school t-shirt supporting one of our high schools in jps ( jackson public schools). I know you are jealous!

Me reclining.... after tragedy had struck my vein.