22 January 2010


OK, here is Charles Lowry Weber ( Chuck) at 28 weeks 2 days. He is in the 78% and weighs 3 pounds 1 ounce. He is measuring at 29 weeks 3 days ( i think). He suppossedly has long legs.... told you he was gonna be a big baby and get those tall Weber genes.

OK, this is of course his profile. That little bubble is his hand. The majority of the time he was holding onto his feet. He looks a little squeezed in there.

You really have to look hard for this one but take some time because this is my favorite!!! This is his nose and lips. Imagine they were pressed up against the camera. The white part on the far right is his nose and then as you travel left, you see his lips. So you are focusing on the whitest part. Aren't those pouty lips just adorable!

Another profile. You can see his cute little lip from here too. Apparently he has NO hair. I was a bald baby.... not sure about Dr.


Hey there! I know... it looks like a skull but it doesn't pick up the cartilage on the end of his nose and it picks up the eye sockets and not the eyeball. So he does look like a skeleton but you can really kind of see what he looks like. A mini Dr.

He wasn't as active as he was the past two times but I am not sure he has too much room. He was kicking the sonogram thing while she was moving it around.

Hey again!

His heartbeat was still strong... beating at 141.
Well, that's all for now. We got the mattress and bedding today so look for another post!

I'm a failure.... kinda

We got to see Baby Chuck today. He weighs 3 pounds and one ounce. The sonogram lady said that his legs were long and that he was in the 78%! She also said.... oh wow, look at his pouty lips. We have some pictures we will post in a little while. We got some great profile pics and one where he is looking at us. I think this baby is going to look like his daddy! We were looking at him and he was grabbing his feet with his hands. I said "that's funny because the past two times he had his hands in his mouth." Baby Chuck immediately stuck his fingers in his mouth like he heard exactly what I said! It was pretty funny. We got her to check if Chuck was actually a Chuck and not a Chuckette and we in fact have confirmation that Chuck is a HE.

Unfortunately, I failed the glucose screening! OOPS. My body did not process the delicious sugar drink I had to drink this morning. This is an initial screening for gestational diabetes. If you are over 200, you have gestational diabetes. If you are between 140 and 200, you are at risk. I was 148. Only 15% of women actually develop diabeties.... which then means we start with changing the diet. ( not a surprise here)

So Tuesday morning, I will have to take another day off from school and be at the doctor's office at 7:00. I will not have eaten since midnight. They will take my ""fasting glucose" levels. Then I will get to drink another delicious "glucola"..... ( made my legs feel like jello, and i thought about vomiting). They will then take my blood every hour for three hours. So on Tuesday I will be sitting in a room, having my blood taken ( one of my worst fears) over and over for a total of four hours. Can't get much more fun than this! My worst nightmare has come true! I will be locked in a room, can't leave, can't eat but will be stuck by needles over and over again because of 8 points.

The doctor said that usually you can also flag gestational diabetes by the size of the baby. The baby will most likely be obese but she said at 78% he is just a healthy baby boy and that I probably don't have it. She also said that I need to make sure I am getting enough protein because that can also have some effects.... i agree, we all know that I don't really eat meat.

I know my Tuesday will be torture but at least they can flag things like this before it does any harm to the baby or to me.

The mattress and the bedding have arrived so we will send some pictures of that later today too. Well, I am off to get my hair "blonded"!

21 January 2010

We made it!

We are officially in our third trimester! Chuck is now the size of a chinese cabbage ( i didn't know what it was either... go ahead, google it). I am taking off tomorrow so we can go to our doctor's appointment. We will be doing the glucose test and also be seeing Chuck's progression with a sonogram. We are not doing the fancy sonogram because we will be seeing Baby Chuck in such a short time and you can't really figure out what they look like anyway. But we are excited to see how much he has changed because our last sonogram was 10 weeks ago! We will post pics as soon as we can! Pray that Baby Chuck is still as healthy and active as he has been. I know he's got legs and that they work!

I am starting to look really big. Today someone said "Wow, you are about to pop!" Ummmmm WHAT~~ My belly button isn't even all the way out yet.... he is not done cooking in there! It must be the shirts I wore yesterday and today. I am still having no real symptoms. My back is feeling better, I must have just slept wrong. Just having to put a little extra "umph" into getting out of bed and bending over but other than that, on occasion I forget I am even pregnant. Dr. may be more excited about my easy pregnancy than me! He hasn't had to deal with any complaining, sickness, or extra errands. The only way his life has changed is that he has to change the litter box, and sometimes lend me a hand to help me role over in bed.

The crib mattress ( that they lost last time!) is finally BACK in. I will go get that tomorrow. It looks like the bedding should arrive on Saturday! Baby Chuck's room will soon be ready for him to move in!

ON A TOTALLY different note. We had a sleepless night last night. Well I did... Dr. sleeps through everything. Very extreme weather.... it still shocks me every time I think of Jackson being in "tornado alley". Who would have thunk it?! Any way the ginormous tornado siren is a hop, skip, and a jump away from our bedroom. I got to listen to the siren ALL night. No tornado though. Just circulation detected.

Well, until tomorrow....... maybe be you will be lucky enough to get a bump picture tomorrow too!

17 January 2010

Work in Progress

Not the baby. The kitchen.

When we first bought the house I have to tell you, MK and Drew really had to convince me that it was fabulous. I could not get past the huge cracks in the wall ( that of course we have fixed.... but, wait, did I mention they are back?) Of course our realtor knew that we were looking for a house with hardwood floors and great bathroom tile. And of course this house had it all. Another thing the house had, that I unexpectedly liked, was its kitchen sink. Dr. liked the butcher block counter tops but my eyes went straight to the sink. It's not a sink you see everyday. It seems as though it is probably original to the house. I don't want to get a new sink because this one just has so much character. And.... if someone is willing to buy it from me, that makes it even more valuable to me :)

You can tell it has seen a lot. It is about time to get a total face lift.

The sink is a double sink with double drain boards. I love how enormous it is. Makes for a quick clean up.

Unfortunately, all the enamel ( i don't know what it is called but that's what I am calling it) is peeling away. In fact, it looks like someone tried to cheaply repaint it with something to make it look better. They failed miserably.

Wow, how dirty is that sink! Unfortunately, that's as clean as you can get the sucker.

Oh, I have yet to mention the bathroom faucets someone so kindly added to the sink at some point in the sinks life. I wold love to meet the person that picked out this faucet and ask them what the H#$$ they were thinking.

So now that you have had a few moments to become acquainted with our kitchen sink, I will tell you why I am posting this! We are handing our sink over to the refinisher guys ( that is what they prefer to be called I am sure) Tuesday morning. Usually they do the refinishing in your house. They just put up plastic everywhere, open up windows, and Bingo! you have a new sink, bathroom, whatever.

With our sink, the guys will come and pick it up. Why you ask?
1. Because I am preggo and supposedly the chemicals are strong and stay in your house for a bit. Chuck is going to be so intelligent anyway that I don't want those chemicals to make his brain cells become any smarter than they already are.
2. Some idiot put the bathroom faucets on the sink and then put the sink into the counter top. However, they had put a random support under the sink that blocks any type of wrench or other kind of tool from getting near the faucets to loosen them. In other words, you have to actually lift the sink out of the counter to put a new faucet on. Speaking of new faucet.......

Classy, I know

So, we will be without a sink for 4 days. I think we can handle it considering we did not have water for a week and could not do any dishes.

Is it going to mess with my OCD? Of course.... I mean they are taking my sink out of the counter..... What if the counter falls in?, What if the counter breaks?, What is the SINK breaks?, What if the ugly faucets refuse to let go of my sink?, What if the sink doesn't fit back into the hole in the counter?, What if the counter just completely falls apart?

That's exactly why I have scheduled them to come and get it while I am at school and bring it back while I am at school. I do not need to be here while this is going. Although, yes I will be thinking about it ( and already have been ) non-stop.