09 December 2011

Daddy time

Daddy being home means that Daddy is growing on us.

Chuck and daddy shop for my Christmas present ( I think).

Daddy and Chuck eat Thai food.

The only way I can vacuum is if I carry Chuck around in one arm. It is impossible to vacuum with one arm and 30 pounds in the other. If I do not hold him, he flips his SH$%. So even though I can't vacuum, he is ok with him vacuuming. So our newest little game is..... Chuck gets out the vacuum cleaner, mom drops hole puncher holes all over the rug, and Chuck vacuums them up. I have no idea why he doesn't mind vacuuming but he won't let me. The other day when he first decided to play with the vacuum, he figured out how to turn it on and off. THen, he wanted to know where all the stuff was going and he actually tried to look down the tube ( while it was on). This resulted in his check being sucked into the tube which was a pretty funny sight. He freaked but it was quite funny from this side of things.

Tomorrow morning we are venturing across the street to decorate our gingerbread house. I will make sure I get some pictures. Daddy has to go into work early tomorrow afternoon and will be gone for two days so he can bring home some extra bacon.

07 December 2011

Gone Crazy

I had my observation. The first one that I have had in four years. My mom said I shouldn't say I hate my kids on my blog. I don't hate them ALL but there are quite a few that I don't like and if someone reads this on the blog, I would welcome a termination letter.

I know I can't be given a termination letter for my own child but surely he could consider letting me sit down for a second when we first get home.

It's cold here. I am grumpy. I can't find our heaters to heat the cold rooms so that means the felines will be roaming the house howling all night. My pipes better not freeze tonight or I will go schizophrenic and I'm ok with that because I obviously deal with it on a daily basis.

06 December 2011

Jumping Chuckers

Okay, okay....

So I am having my observation tomorrow..... I think, I hope, I don't know. Geez, this is killing me. To prep for three formal evaluations and have them all rescheduled is nothing short of insanity in the brain. Ugh.

Continued craziness is what has been going on around here.

Chuck's new thing is taking the cushions of the couch and using it like a trampoline... where this kid comes up with these ideas is beyond me.....

He also has a grand time playing with Samer until Samer gets mad and tries to bite Chuck. Breaks little Chuck's heart every time.

We do have our tree up and the score is now Chuck 6, Ornaments 0. He hasn't tired to open any presents but had his feelings hurt when we wrapped up a baby doll. Yes, my child likes baby dolls and his favorite color is pink.

And we are still working on our dance moves....

We have gotten to see daddy about 30 minutes ( which is huge!) everyday so daddy is really growing on Chuck and he is starting to get used to him and will let daddy do things for him.

This Saturday, we will be going across the street to construct our gingerbread house. I will go ahead and apologize to the marshmallow snowmen for building them slums to live in.

Ok, back on track for my observation.