08 June 2013

Beach bums

Can you believe that I practically grew up at the beach and my 3 year old has never been!

Today we spent the day at the beach. Our close family friends growing up were kind enough to let us use the beach house. It was great to have a place to park, a bathroom, and shade just in case. We really didn't use it but it was nice knowing it was there.

Chuck loved the water and the sand! Smith loved being held :)

Smith all prepared to leave.

Chuck and Smith holding hands because they are so excited we are almost there!

Chuck so happy to finally see the beach in person.

Smith chillin' under the umbrella.

Chuck plotting his strategy

Running from the waves

Me and the boys.

Way too much fun

For both of them

And can you believe Chuck still had enough energy to ride his bike. Smith actually enjoyed the nice little stroll.

Chuck now has some sun kissed cheeks and I look like a tomato.

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