09 April 2010

Belly buttons

Baby Chuck officially has a belly button! Yea, for belly buttons! ( and yes, it is the cutest little belly button I have ever seen.)

08 April 2010


Aunt Koko got Chuck a nanny! Her name is Nap Nanny and she is wonderful! She keeps Chuck sleeping peacefully while mommy takes showers, gets ready, and cleans the house. He loves his nanny so much!
The most wonderful invention ever. Thank you Aunt Koko

Daddy's first feeding

Chuck is doing a wonderful job eating. He is on a schedule, eating at 10, 2, and 6. After his 2 a.m. feeding he likes to stay up for a little bit so he has got his days and nights confused but I am very thankful he is on this four hour schedule. I know Dr. has been dying to feed him so we are trying to get our milk supply up so daddy can have the 10p.m. feeding. It is a VERY slow process but Chuck and Dr. enjoy the father son time even if it only lasts about 2 minutes! We are making headway one 1/4 of an ounce at a time! Hopefully before too long, it will last an entire feeding. The first time Dr. fed Chuck, Chuck looked at him like "Daddy, you have been holding out on me.... I thought mommy was the only one that had dinner." His little face was the funniest thing! He is such a good bottle drinker too. I go back to work in 4 weeks and I would really like to hold off on the formula if I can and change him over to formula sometime during the summer but we will see.

Chuck loves it when Daddy feeds him.

First doctor's visit

Today Chuck is two weeks old!!! We had his two week check up right before lunch. We got all nice and clean in a bath and put on our best outfit. We made sure we were fed before we got into the car to go. Apparently, the doctor excitement was too much because we stayed awake the entire visit and did not make a peep! We did make sure we worked really hard on that diaper while we were waiting in the waiting room. The nurse weighed and measured him. Chuck weighs 7 pounds and 1 ounce ( the one ounce might be the diaper!). He is also 19 1/2 inches long ( i know... he was 20 in the hospital but the nurse says the hospital measures differently... whatever). His..... um.... man parts were doing great. His umbilical cord is still attached but making progress. We really liked the doctor and she thought he was a beautiful baby... of course we already knew that. So all went well at the doctor and we will go back on May 24th for his two month check up when we will get our shots...... boooo.

All dressed and ready for the doctor in my outfit Miss Lois gave me.

I'm a little bit nervous about this whole doctor thing!

As long as mommy is here, I am ok! ( What does mommy look tired or something?)

Oooh, I didn't know my thumb could be this good!

05 April 2010

Audiologist Visit

So today, Dr. and I ventured to the audiologist with Chuck. He had not passed his hearing screening with both ears at the same time ( they passed, just at different times). We had to go get further testing today. His right ear passed the test but left ear did not. We still think it may be amniotic fluid in his eustachian tubes. We will go back in a month to get the left ear tested again. If he fails again, we will visit an ENT to see if it is fluid in the ears or if it is something that has to do with the brain. It is kind of odd that the whole pregnancy the only thing I was worried about was his ears. I couldn't stop thinking about the development of his ears. Weird, I know.

Also, I have decided that the date I will go back to work is May 10th. I will probably be crying my little head off but for that first week I go back, Dr. will be at home with Chuck and we may have Marmee come stay with them ( if she agrees to it..... Chuck loves his Marmee...... and did I mention Samer does to.) I will go back to work for four weeks and then it will be summer vacation! Our hopes are that the grandparents will be able to flip flop weeks so that Chuck is under the best care possible while Mommy and Daddy try to make a living and support him.

Just a little update, I am being beckoned by a hungry infant. We are on a schedule now. (Thank you Marmee) We are eating at 10, 2 and 6. Last night we woke up at 2 to eat but wouldn't go back down until 4 ( makes for a tired mommy) but I think it may have been gas pains ( the baby, not me :) I am hoping I don't have to cut back on milk or anything like that since I don't think I could live without it! But I would for Baby Chuck. OK, off to feed.

Keep Chuck's left ear in you prayers in hopes that it is fluid and not something permanent in his brain. We are confident that our little angel will pass in a month!

Love to all and I hope everyone had a fabulous Easter,
ME ( Dr. and Chuck)