14 May 2011


Brrrrr It is a little chilly here but a welcome change! Made for a pleasant day in the world of Chuck.

We started our day with a nice stroll! The miniature horse was out so we got to chat a little bit.

Yes, I know the face in this picture isn't very nice but it is actually perfect. Chuck was pointing to the horse and calling it a dog and barking. Didn't I tell you that when we were watching the royal wedding Chuck was barking at all the horses. I guess we haven't cleared up that misunderstanding yet.

While on our walk we saw some garage sale signs so we meandered through them. I have been wanting to get Chuck a sandbox but didn't want to buy it full price. It is something I want him to have but don't exactly know if he will think it is all that cool. At one yard sale I found him a turtle sandbox. Can you believe I got it for $2.... yup, 2, two, dos! It retails for $39! I just need to scrub it and I also want to wipe it out with clorox and then we can fill it up with sand! What an awesome deal..... must have been the cute baby in the stroller that convinced them to give the sandbox away for pennies!

After our nice stroll, we ventured down to the farmer's market. We bought some peaches, pink eye peas and corn. We stayed for a while because Chuck wanted me to carry him while he pushed the stroller. Yes, I carried him while he leaned forward with both hands on the stroller and pushed. And I wonder why I am so tired.

After the farmer's market, we went home and took a nice nap. Nap time is when this mama gets to shower on the weekends because I refuse to wake up at 5 on the weekends to get my shower in. The nap refueled us so we could go eat at Applebee's with some ladies from school. Chuck had a side of red beans and rice and then continued to devour my alfredo and brushetta penne.

Applebee's was close to the reservoir so we stopped by there to enjoy some of the boat races. My child would be so embarrassed if he was a little older. This mama peed in a cup in the parking lot because bathroom and one year old do not mix. Can you imagine trying to undo your pants, tinkle, and pull them back up all while holding a one year old in a port-a-potty. I am sure all women would agree that the cup was the best idea by far. Luckily, Chuck was still in his car seat reading a book.

The boat race was fun. It was a nice distraction for an hour and a half. Chuck enjoyed watching the boats and pushing his stroller around.

When we got home we had a nice drink of water and an enjoyable wagon ride.

Since we had played all day, Chuck decided he needed to get some work done. He made sure he filled up his lawnmower with gas before he cut the grass!

Then we dug in the dirt in the front pots and Chuck found a ladybug!

So all in all our day turned out pretty good. We think daddy has the day off tomorrow. If he does, I am going to try and convince him we need to go tour the St. Jude's dream home. We have to go see it because I have a feeling our ticket will be drawn on June 5!

13 May 2011

We're back....

Blogger has been down a couple of days but we are back! State testing is over with!!!! The Weber household is so excited..... I was having to get up at 4:30 and get Chuck to daycare no later than 6:30 to be able to make it to work on time. Daddy has to work this weekend. We were hoping for a visit from Granna and Bob Bob but they are saving up their visit for another weekend. I think Chuck and I are going to go the farmer's market and maybe a boat race tomorrow just so we can get out. Of course there is always swimming and sliding in our daily plans. Oh, and of course our morning walk.

Apparently, Chuck is walking up a storm at daycare. He is an official "walker". Unfortunately, I haven't seen it because whenever he sees me he starts crawling. I guess he knows that I won't carry him once he walks.

He also said "tiger" and "yellow" today. That's my boy! I was thinking about it while he was in the bathtub and I think that Chuck has got us beat in the brains department. I fear our future with a son that is smarter than us. Good luck, huh.

Did I mention this kid cracks me up? He finally will go into the pool. No more playing from the outside.

09 May 2011

Oh Dear

We are starting art lessons early.

Since daddy can't be around all the time, I try and do "boy" things with Chuck that he would be doing with daddy. I thought every boy needs to play in the dirt. I totally didn't think he was going to eat it!

08 May 2011


Our pool water never got very warm today. I don't blame Chuck for not wanting to stay in. He ventured in a couple of times but didn't stay too long. Especially with all the germs we can't get rid of, I am rather glad he didn't sit in the ice cold water.

I couldn't pick just one video so I thought I might as well share them all. You can pick which ones you want to watch.

Happy Mother's Day

It's a quiet day around the Weber house. Just sitting around reading books.

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