30 April 2010

Waking up is hard to do

Chuck takes after his father in many ways. He is definitely not a morning person. He HATES waking up. No exaggeration, it takes the little guy about 15 minutes to wake up. He grunts and stretches the whole time. He lets you know when he is ready to wake up by letting out a scream... other than that, I just let him do his thing until he is ready to get up! I love to watch all of his faces.


I am all for the pacifier at this age if it helps me keep my sanity. I will worry about the taking away of the pacifier at a later date. No need to stress about that now. This guy loves his pacifier. And he especially loves this blue and white one. His first pacifier ever and some how he knows it. He prefers this one over any of them... even though they are the exact same except the color... of course I would have chosen the blue and white one too.

Chillaxin' in the Abode

He's so mellow which means hopefully he didn't get my OCD. Maybe he will have daddy's laid back ways. So far so good.

Can you tell he is growing! At first the only way he could sit in the nap nanny was if we put a stuffed animal next to him so they could share the seat. Now he can sit in it all by himself! What a big boy! He is fitting into clothes that he couldn't fit into before. His legs used to come only to the knees in these clothes and I had to roll all of the sleeves a couple of times.

29 April 2010

Baby Weight

Well, there are two kinds of baby weight in the Weber household....

I had my 5 week check up yesterday. My blood pressure is back to normal 122/76... yea!!!! My iron is good and I am signed off to return to work. All my "baby weight" is gone except about 5 pounds. However....... I was overweight to begin with so I would still like to lose about 25 pounds and that will come with time. Starting this week, Chuck and I have been going on a walk every morning. I am trying to create somewhat of a routine for him. So far we have the walk in the morning and a formula bottle and his crib at night. The rest of the day has yet to make any kind of sense. We usually don't get out for our walk until about 10 because Chuck sleeps really hard in the mornings from about 5 until 9 which means that is when mama is getting her "survival " rest..... it is not close to being beauty rest at this point! Hopefully, once I get my muscles moving again from the walks, I can start running a little bit when Dr. is home to watch the Chuckster.

The other baby weight I am talking about is Chuckaroo. I have been having problems with my wrist and arm KILLING me. I asked the doctor yesterday what to do and she says I need to take advil and get a splint from the drugstore to help strengthen the wrist... it kind of gives out when I pick up the baby. Another thing that will help is a baby carrier!! Mom sent me the carrier that Abby and Laney used. It is a miracle in a box. I immediately put Chuck in it and he has been asleep the whole time. I have gotten the kitchen mopped, bottles washed, and a blog written..... now to the laundry! So I have an extra 8 pounds strapped to me but I am getting things done.... and maybe burning a few extra calories while doing them ! I kind of feel pregnant all over again......

25 April 2010

One month old!

Can you believe it! I have been hanging out with this little guy for a month now. I wish he would at least give me a smile or something! He is definitely getting heavier... my carpel tunnel can attest to that. We are starting to see a little bit of meat on this little guy.

More snuggling with dad ( yes, this is what they are always doing). Who can resist that little face! ( Chuck's not Dr.'s)

Now for our one month pictures!!! Having trouble seeing a resemblance of either parent but I am going to put money on the fact that he is going to be a blue eyed baby.... Dr. will put money on the hair being blonde! Yes, it is true. It has gotten lighter and the other day in the sunlight it looked blonde from the side.