22 July 2011

Our life

So here is the latest travel plans for our household.

I have curriculum meetings all day today ( Yuck, right). I had some earlier this week too.

When the meetings are over, we are headed to Mobile for a "relaxing" weekend. We probably won't be there again for a long while so we had to get it in before school starts.

Then next weekend on the 30th, we will be traveling to Tyler, TX for an interview. Marmee is hopefully going to meet us on the 31st for a little playing around. Then on Aug. 1st, Dr. will interview and eventually they will take us on a community tour while Chuck and Marmee do there little thing. We don't know the actual schedule... so we don't know if dinner will be involved. Anyway, we will drive home late late late Monday night so that Dr. can make it to lecture at 7:30 Tuesday morning.

Now, later that week, Granna and Bob Bob may be coming back to help me stage the house and get some quick pictures. I really need to get pics of the house before all the trees loose their leaves and the grass goes brown. We have a new yard man so I think it is back to looking nice again.

And then the Tuesday after that, I start school. I know. I am already stressed and tired. Geez. Hopefully, this year will speed by and the selling of the house, packing, and moving will be a breeze. School ends for my May 31st. Not that I am already counting the days!

19 July 2011

NO pictures

But I had to share what Chuck did at school today. On his sheet it said he "had shaving cream play, learned about the square, and named the class's new pet fish "Sammie"." I can also tell that whatever he had for lunch must have been pretty

So freaking cute. I mean I can't even imagine his class of 8 one-year-olds looking at the fish swimming around in its bowl.

Also, Chuck started meowing and quacking today so we are moving along with our animals sounds.

He also bit my finger when I was brushing his teeth and I jerked and kind of screamed and he leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek and then put his head on my chest and gave me a hug.

While he was watching his Sesame Street before bed, he insisted on laying on his stomach on top of his table and watching it. It was so cute but I couldn't find a camera to snap a picture. He looked pretty comfortable so I wouldn't doubt it if that's his new TV watching perch.

The Myth of Balance

The Myth of Balance

15 Months.... almost 16

Chuck visited the doctor last week. He cried... a lot. he figured out how to open the door of the room and was so upset I wouldn't let him out in the hallway. He cried for about 15 minutes before he ever got a shot. He didn't care for the shot but was so excited to get to walk down the hallway that he had forgotten about the shots!

He is a healthy growing boy. He has consistently been in the 90% on height, weight, and head size. He is currently hitting 85% in weight and head size and is a whopping 100% in height!!! ( Thanks Dr. and Poppy). I always knew he was going to have those Weber men genes.

The doctor asked if he was making animal sounds ( yes, he barks and is starting to moo). She asked if he is saying words ( yes, his new word is bubble..... the doctor was impressed by that one!) She made sure he was walking ( did I mention they are "learning" how to run at school.....). She also wanted to make sure he was eating a well rounded diet ( you mean the pork, brussel spouts, and cherries he had for dinner?) I do owe the whole good eating thing to daycare. If he didn't go to school he would probably not be very healthy.

Chuck is teething. I think as he gets older he is learning to deal with the pain. We had a great ( and very exhausting weekend) and then I noticed that 3 teeth were trying to poke through. We made it without one meltdown!

We visited the zoo this weekend, Bass Pro Shop, and a 1600 square foot playground. ( Now that Chuck is walking/running, there are more places we can go.... although it definitely makes it more exhausting!) I also finally got some sand in his sandbox so we introduced him to sand this weekend. He loves it except has developed a love for throwing sand. Chuck also likes to stick keys in key holes so we got him a master lock. We will see how long it takes him to get it unlocked.

Chuck plays in the sand

Dr. and Chuck look at spider monkeys
Chuck tries to get his master lock open.
The 16,000 sq foot playground