08 August 2009

back to school

sorry for all the posts but i figure ... now or never! teachers started back last week and the students come on wednesday. i am continuing the island them in my room this year. after being in the room for a year, i have now figured out where i want things to be. this is a new touch to the room. 2nd grade has decided to go all out this year ( as if we didn't last year). this year, my word wall will be a tiki hut. learning in mrs. weber's class is fun! i have had parents ask if their children could be in my class ( and this was before i put up the tiki hut!). very exciting as a second year teacher that i am already having those type of requests! more picture of the second grade rooms to come next week!


ranked number one this year in education schools! yay, for my masters in education!

now the question is, do i dare seek a doctorate.... to be continued...


best friends

best friends for ever.... well a lot longer than dr. thought it was going to be! ( dr. thought cats only lived 5 years, to his surprise they live 18 years!) could it be that molly has turned dr. into a cat person? i think so.


no, we don't have pineapples growing! but it does look like it. back in november, we took the sagos out of mama and daddy's yard in mobile. they had gotten too big for their yard and dr. and i could not deal with the ginormous lantana that blocks our walkway every summer. we decided to dig the lantana up and plant it along our neighbors driveway on the side of the house because there was nothing over there. we transplanted the sago palms and planted them where the lantana had been growing. they were the talk of the street. everyone would stop and ask us questions about them when we were working outside. immediately after we transplanted them, the fronds began developing brown spots. we didn't think anything of it because surely a plant would kind of suffer from being transplanted. well the spots turned into entire fronds turning brown and drying up. now people would stop and ask us if our palms had died. i gave the palms a chance and didn't want to admit that they had died.

finally i decide that neighbors kept asking if they were dead because they just looked really tacky. dr. told me to suck it up and cut off all the brown fronds. so... i cut them off. then dr. came outside and said " oh my gosh, you cut them all off". I said " you told me too, they were all brown". so we had two stumps sitting in the front of our house where dead palm fronds used to be.
even though they were bear i still couldn't admit they were dead so we were going to transplant them to the backyard thinking that maybe they were getting too much sun on the north side of the house. luckily we never got around to transplanting them again. about a week ago, we noticed a little green coming out of the center. and there we have it, the sagos are still alive! apparently the sagos were just a little shocked and feel right at home now. we have our neighbor's interest back and they are commenting that they thought the sagos were dead but they look so neat now!

good thing we have some patience! very cool!


still no tomatoes in the weber garden but we have ample amounts of jalapenos and chile peppers ( and have no idea what to do with them!). we also have a watermelon growing! i believe this is a miniature watermelon... not full size but i am so excited that something other than peppers are growing. now if i can just get those darn tomatoes and cucumbers to start growing.