26 November 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am so thankful for a wonderful friends and such large and loving family! And I am so thankful I get to spend the rest of my life with my extraordinary husband and that we have a very active and perfect baby boy on his way!

Dr. is working hard saving Jackson one child at a time in the PEDs ER today. Baby Chuck and I are fearing the kitchen because of the large lizard sitting on the counter. ( Why is it still sitting there when we have two cats????? ) We will enjoy our second Thanksgiving meal with my parents tomorrow on Dr.'s day off!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

25 November 2009

Still Window Shopping

You will be happy to know that I have not bought anything at all! Still just window shopping. Of course I haven't been at this all day. I have vacuumed the house, scrubbed the bathrooms, cooked a pure deliciousness egg nog pound cake.

These are some of the things I have come across. You don't have to look, this is mainly a way for me to be able to find this stuff when I want to look at it again. Of course you can look if you can't resist pure cuteness.

Seersucker Shortall ( i mean imagine this monogrammed)

And I love bubbles for the little boys

I know Baby Chuck will be comfortable enough with his masculinity that he will wear smocked outfits with pride!


Could it be that I actually just found a little boys outfit with a ladybug on it? Unbelievable! Tis true my friends. You know what I am buying next!

Bringing back the south one outfit at a time!

24 November 2009


The only reason why I was hoping I wasn't going to have a boy is because of the clothes. Now I know why I think the clothes are so bad! Thank you Miss Penny for opening my eyes! Growing up in Mobile I am used to smocked outfits, rompers, and day gowns. I may just have to bring back the old south. Now I just have to convince Dr. that baby Chuck wearing a "gay gown".... i mean "day gown" would be adorable..... I think my chances are slim though. I may just be able to get by with the romper.

I will try and keep my brain ramblings to a minimum or maybe I will start a post in the morning and add on to it through out the day so I will post it at night. Then many of you will not get an email with a post every 5 minutes.

All this brain craziness is making me tired. I am going to lay down for a few minutes.

Egg Nog Goodness

First, I think I might be nesting. OK, I admitted it and now I am a better person for doing so. BUt really, who starts nesting at 20 weeks. I gotta get a life!

Second, I know most people don't like egg nog. I think only those that love sugar, like moi', really appreciate it. Anyways, what could be better during this holiday season than Egg Nog Pound Cake. That is the pure sound of goodness to a pregnant lady. I will let you know how it turns out. (If I don't drink all the egg nog first). And stop freaking out. I have done extensive research to make sure egg nog that I might have partook in does not have raw eggs in it.

One step closer

We have officially registered at the hospital for the birth of Baby Chuck! So when I go into the hospital in a complete panic, they will know exactly what to do with me and won't have to try and get information out of me that I won't be able to answer! ( I even get to go in my own entrance.) In the next couple of weeks, we will do our tour of the hospital ( and cross your fingers I don't faint.... I have gotten over the fear of the doctor's office but not quite the hospital). It will all feel so real when we actually go on the tour. I hope I am not supposed to remember anything they tell me on the tour. I can't even remember my name much less what I am supposed to do when I am in labor and in complete shock!

Baby Registry

Babies"R"Us - Baby Registry

23 November 2009

It's Official

We have a name! Not share it? How could we do that! We want to be able to share this incredible time in our lives with everyone! Baby Weber's official name is: ( drum roll please)

Charles Lowry Weber

He will be named after his uncle and his grandaddy. Baby Weber's nickname will be: (another drum roll please)

"Chuck" (in honor of his beloved uncle)

You probably have been wondering how we came up with a name that quick! It was actually very simple and pretty much the name we have been thinking about since we started thinking about starting a family.

And how could any child of Dr. not have this outfit that mommy saw in the store today!!! (I think Dr. probably even has this outfit.) I can't pass up anything that has a guitar on it. And how cute are those plaid shorts..... breaks a momma's heart.

Is it me?

Is it me.....

or does Samer need glasses? He is sitting closer to the TV than Dr. does! Although if anything, you can tell how big Samer has gotten! He is the big 4 pounds now..... 6 pounds with his new glasses.

Thanksgiving Break

What else is there to do on Thanksgiving Break than to shop for baby.... ( window shop.... trying not to buy!)

Found some funny and cute stuff! (click on the colored words!)

And Kat, you have to check this website out.... how cute are these clothes! These little girl clothes are adorable, unfortunately I am still finding most boy clothes are kinda tacky!