23 November 2009

It's Official

We have a name! Not share it? How could we do that! We want to be able to share this incredible time in our lives with everyone! Baby Weber's official name is: ( drum roll please)

Charles Lowry Weber

He will be named after his uncle and his grandaddy. Baby Weber's nickname will be: (another drum roll please)

"Chuck" (in honor of his beloved uncle)

You probably have been wondering how we came up with a name that quick! It was actually very simple and pretty much the name we have been thinking about since we started thinking about starting a family.

And how could any child of Dr. not have this outfit that mommy saw in the store today!!! (I think Dr. probably even has this outfit.) I can't pass up anything that has a guitar on it. And how cute are those plaid shorts..... breaks a momma's heart.

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