04 June 2011

Day one done

Well we made it. We had lunch at Franky and Johnnys: A local hole in the wall. Chuck made friends with everyone in there. We had more time to eat because he was to busy giving the neighbors crackers and flirting with some ladies.

After lunch and a little driving around, we stopped by the Childrens Museum. Chuck had a wonderful time. There was a special area for 1-3 year olds so it was nice to just let Chuck go. He did exactly what he does at home: carry bowls around, push furniture around, hide in cabinets and play with the alphabet. As boring as it was for us, Chuck had a great time.

Daddy taught Chuck about electricity and how to make a big bubble around you.

It is 7:45 now and both of my boys are asleep. I got rooms with two beds so we knew there would be room for everyone. Ha, Dr. Is sound asleep in the middle of one bed and Chuck is in the middle of the other bed. I am sitting on the floor right now.

I think tomorrow morning, we will head out and get some breakfast when Chuck gets up. Then I think we will come back and swim and shower before we have to check out. After we check out and get the bags in the car, we will hit up the aquarium. Then we will be on our way to Baton Rouge.

What have we learned about our visit to New Orleans? The city is wonderful and we love it but it is not the city for our family to live in, just to visit.

Until tomorrow.....

On the road....

Just pulled out

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03 June 2011

Big Boy

When Chuck goes to Mobile, he sits in a high chair that is pulled up to the table. Apparently, that is exactly what he wanted when we got home from our visit and he would not get in his highchair. Once I took off the tray, pushed it to the table, and put food down, he wanted to get in his chair. Once you think you have it down, the next day he changes everything.

At first, the only thing he cared about was getting his placemat up. Now he really enjoys looking at the pictures and learning what things are. He also recognizes Big Bird and Elmo. He has a pretty good memory because he has only seen them about 4 times.

We have bought a travel booster seat that folds up. It will be nice because sometimes he won't stay in the restaurant high char but I think he will stay in a booster seat but he has to be tied down. He also needs it at Granna and Bob Bob's because this little linebacker can easily flip himself over if he wanted to! It hasn't happened yet but he definitely tries. He is really strong.

We hit the road tomorrow morning. We will be leaving around 9 and will be heading to New Orleans for lunch and the Children's Museum. Then we will check in at The Westin before a little stroll along the river or through the quarter. Don't worry. You will hear form us a lot on the road. We will be in the car for quite some time over the next week so that will give me some time to update everyone.


My guess is that whoever this crib belongs to has probably been teething lately!

Guess that is why you don't need an antique crib that has lead paint on it!

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31 May 2011

Memorial Day and beyond

We had a fun time in Mobile. We went to Sophia's ( Mary-Allison's daughter) birthday party, visited Mr. John and Miss Penny at the beach and played a lot with the cousins.

One day, Chuck decided he wanted to eat like a doggie. He thought it was hilarious... I have no idea who taught him that. I have never seen him do it.

We also went out to eat and Chuck saw his first fish! He loved it.

After seeing Chuck's reaction to the fish tank, I think he is going to have a blast at the aquarium in New Orleans.

I have not shared a bed with Chuck since he was about 3 months old. I took full advantage of sleeping in a new environment and got to share a bed with him for three nights and loved every second of it. He insisted on sleeping as close to my face as possible .... even if it meant sleeping with both arms around my neck or sleeping with his cheek on top of my cheek. Love him and his cuddly self.

I am starting to make reservations for our trip. Is anyone a member of AAA or anything? After looking at all the options of hotels in NOLA, I think our best fit will be the Westin ( a starwood hotel). Check out the location HERE. Just across the street form the aquarium and a perfect walk along the river to the heart of the Quarter.

Also, Aunt Tippy, do you have any suggestions for hotels in nice/cute areas of Baton Rouge or Shreveport?

Did I mention I have 2 days of work left..... it's true.