10 May 2012

I know, I know.  Where have we been?

Well, we had an offer on the house.  We are going through the inspection stage right now which is just plain excruciating.  I am hoping there is nothing big like them having to totally rebuild the chimney on our house in Tyler.  I will of course let you know how the inspection, and all those dealings turn out.

Speaking of Tyler, we go next weekend to close on our house and purchase school uniforms for Chuck Chuck!  We will officially be headed to Texas between June 21-24!

Chuck Chuck is just growing like a weed.  He finally told me today ( without just repeating me) that he loved me. Sweet boy.  His favorite toys right now are some die-cast cars and of course his musical instruments.  We have been playing in the sprinkler the last few days ( in our clothes). Yesterday, we planted some geraniums so we made sure we watered them today.

Chuck Chuck had a few bad days at school.  Apparently he has been throwing chairs.  They decided that this was happening because he was "bored".  They told me that he is advanced ( I am so proud) and that he needed to go to the next class.  So Chuck Chuck left the newly twos and is now part of the older twos/newly threes.  He LOVES it there because this means he gets to play on the big boy playground in the afternoon.  He is a head shorter than everyone out there but is milking it for all it is worth.

Dr. has been out of town the whole week.  The two of us are headed home this weekend since Dr. doesn't get back until late Saturday and then has to work nights.  Yuck.  Nothing is worse than having to take care of a 2 year old while someone tries to sleep in the next room.  Did I mention he is really into drums lately?

I felt like I had so much to say and now can't think of a thing.

Oh, yes,  Chuck has started telling stories on me.  I can't remember what he was lying about this week but it usually has to do with me and getting me in trouble  I don't know where he comes up with these things.  But, about a month or so ago, Chuck started talking about how "mommy hits kitty".  WHAT?  Where does this kid get this!?!  First of all, I do NOT hit the cats. In fact, I am the only person in this house who cares enough about them to even feed and pet them.  ( Chuck loves them but he shows his love by sitting on them.) Second of all, I hardly see them since they are now outdoor kitties and have  better things to do then stay around a 2 year old that is obsessed with pouring water on them.  "Mommy hits kitty".  Whatever.  Luckily, he only told his father this.  He better not be spreading rumors around school!

Alright, I'm out for the night.  I have some packing to do.... and possibily might get some sleep.