12 June 2010

Eye Spy

Chuckaroo was napping on me the other day so I thought I would reach around and take a picture of him so I could see what he looks like when he is sleeping. Look at the picture that I got!


Today was Chucks first day in the swimming pool! He absolutely loved it! Dr. got to spend a few hours with us today too.

The Chuckster in his pool get up.

The Chuckman in the floatie mommy bought for him.

The pool was so much fun we fell asleep before we even got out!

10 June 2010


We love to practice our alphabet! Who knew letters could be so funny! I love the little squeal he does for the letter "p".

Dr. has worked 7 nights in a row so it has just been the two of us for WAY too long. Tonight is his last night so we get a couple of days with dad. We are going to hit the swimming pool on Sunday to see what our reaction to water is. We LOVE bath time... ( we need to get a video of bath time if we can figure out how to get the privates blurred). So be on the look out for cute pool pictures (that is if he enjoys it as much as bath time.)


Someone has a problem sharing and it is not the Chuckman.

Samer loves "his" toys.

Hair Loss

I guess the inevitable is happening and we are officially experiencing hair loss. I guess it has to happen if we want the cute little bowl cut to start growing in.

07 June 2010

Night Night

Chuckman has put himself to sleep two nights in a row ( knocking on wood as I type!). After his 7:00 bottle, I have put him in his crib and he has gone night night all by his big boy self. No crying, no nothing. I even got some bushes trimmed and weeds pulled while he talked himself to sleep.

My little sweetzel pea getting ready for bed.

Like father, like son

Well, if Chuck's looks don't give his daddy away then his inability to wake up in the morning definitely pegs Dr. as his daddy! Why do I live with two males that do not like mornings...

This kid cracks me up.

06 June 2010

Mommy's helper

Now I know why high chairs have wheels! When in doubt put little Chuckaroo in the high chair and wheel him around the house! His tray is an added bonus!

Sittin' in my high chair

Close up!

Helping mom with laundry (takes after his daddy, seems as though neither of them like laundry!)

Summer Vacation!!!

It is here! I have until August 11th to spend with my little man! Our first day of summer consisted of a long 2 hour nap and an evening stroll with the lightning bugs!

Chuckems taking a little nip nap on our walk. And of course he loves his mommy.