19 September 2009

growing baby

Our Baby's Growth and Development

Your baby is pretty big by about 10 weeks pregnant. In fact, your baby is probably more than an inch and a half long this week! Your baby is also filling out. You can actually start weighing your baby around pregnancy week 10! By the end of this week your doctor may start referring to your baby as a fetus. The fetal period is marked by rapid growth changes in your baby.

Fortunately most women's risk of miscarriage diminishes significantly during pregnancy week 10, and will decrease even more in the next couple of weeks. By pregnancy week 10 your baby is also past the most important developmental stages, so your risk of fetal defects also drops significantly.

It is still important however, you avoid exposing yourself to potential environmental toxins during pregnancy. Toxins including alcohol and smoke are harmful to your baby regardless of your stage of pregnancy. If you find yourself in a toxic environment, get out!

Your baby's organs are developing quickly during pregnancy week 10. By 10 weeks pregnant your baby's vital organs including liver, kidney and brain are starting to grow and develop further. Little details including your baby's toenails also start appearing. On real close examination you may even notice some peach fuzz on your baby!

Mama Molly

Just a lazy day in the Weber household. The four of us have been lounging on the couch while dr. is on call at the VA hospital. The cats get along so well! Last night Molly gave Samer a little bath before they fell asleep on the couch. I could not believe she just started licking him. If he didn't feel at home I am pretty sure he does now! It was actually an amazing moment and absolutely the cutest thing I have ever seen. Molly is becoming a wonderful adoptive mama. Can you tell Samer has a full belly!

baby weber

This is the sonogram from when we were exactly 10 weeks. It looks like baby Weber has a pointy nose but that is in fact his hand by his mouth because he was sucking his thumb ( see there I go... I said "he" again). As the tech was looking around and making sure everything was ok, we could see all this stuff in baby weber's head so it looks like he is going to be a smarty pants too. such a big and impressive brain already!

17 September 2009


well, i started freaking out last week about who was going to take care of the baby while we are at work. i have tried to gather daycare info but can you believe that i have only come up with one! the one i have found is a methodist church downtown. we are having to look for very specific daycares. we need one that opens by 7 ( i have to be at school no later than 7:20) and we need the daycare to accept babies atleast by 12 weeks. we lucked out. this church has a preschool and they do have an infant room. they take babies at 8 weeks. they are open from 7:00 to 6:00pm. perfect for us! there are only 5 babies to a room with two teachers. sounds good!

here is the catch.....it is the most popular daycare so there is a waiting list. the lady asked me how old my child was and i pointed to my stomach. i laughed and she said " people come in and get on the waiting list before they are pregnant". what...... excuse me? so you have to put a $150 deposit down to get on the waiting list. non refundable.... and you have no idea how long the list is though. you can not get on the waiting list until you take a tour. ( the director was not there, so unfortunately we couldn't take a tour). i tried to give them my 150 and go ahead and get on the waiting list but the lady would not take my bribe. this would just be sooo convinient. tours are only given from 10-2. that is just bad luck for me..... my next day off is thanksgiving! i must get my baby into this daycare. so do i really send dr. on a tour just so we can get on the waiting list. i am just thinking how funny it would be for dr. to go on the tour.... i mean he doesn't know anything about babies or education..... but you gotta do what you gotta do.

now i don't know if any of you have really been in the daycare loop lately but um..... can we say expensive!!!! dr. had a stroke last night when i told him that it will cost $9,000 a year to send our baby to this daycare. yes, that is right $165 a week! dr.'s response was "so do they use really expensive diapers or something". my response was "we have to provide our own diapers!" hahhahahah...... so funny! he really thought the daycare would buy the diapers they use! wouldn't that be nice!!! my dads response to that was that his first year at auburn cost half of that!

wowsers, so all this hype about "raising an infant isn't that expensive" is sooooo not true! someone was lying. i probably read that off the internet and unfortunately i believe everything the internet says!

doctors visit

so yesterday was our first appointment. mom went with me because we didn't know when dr. was going to make it. i have to have someone go with me because it calms me a little and we all know i am a fainter. i thought i was going to get my blood drawn yesterday. so everything went well. first the took my blood pressure but it was quite high (141). then we went to get the sonogram. i am 10 weeks and the baby is seriously the size of a lego man.... he is 3cm long. we could see his little fingers up by his face and it looked like he was sucking his thumb. he looks like he has a big brain too. anyway, i was just sitting there admiring his big head and all of a sudden he satarting rocking back and forth. i had no idea he could move! i asked her if she was moving the wand around. she said no and that it was the baby moving! then all of a sudden he rolled over on his side for about 5 seconds and then got back on his back! shocked me. i just had no idea that was going to happen! so then we went and talked to the doctor and she was soooo sweet and nice. she said everything looked good except my blood pressure was too high. she took me in the exam room for my exam and said we could take my blood pressure and then get my flu shot because i must have just been nervous. i told her that i was still nervous because i didn't want the shot. she went ahead and gave me the shot and then we all chilled for about 10 minutes for my pressure to go down. so we took it again and it was down to 120. so no hypertension for me.

so yes we are 10 weeks, and we are due april 14th. that means my 6 weeks of maternity leave will come to the end of school. i will get a massive summer break..... although i am assuming it will be quite tiring!

14 September 2009

the many cat naps of samer

if we take this many pictures of our cats, imagine how many we are going to take of our children!

samer hitches a ride in mom's robe while she does laundry

samer takes a nap while dr. watches the news.

all snuggled in the covers on the couch. nothing like a rainy afternoon with the air on and a nice blanket!

dr. and samer can't stay awake the entire football game.

13 September 2009

This is a video of the cats when they had their first playdate yesterday. I am surprised that Samer doesn't have a migraine from the number of times that Molly has hit him on the head. They do a fine job when they are left alone to roam the house alone. Last night we came home from a friends house, I was sure I was going to have shredded curtains, when we got home, they had both put themselves to bed. So they have gone about 3 hours running around in the house alone.