15 October 2010

It's a zoo in there!

Well, the zoo came to visit the 2nd grade today!! I had found out that the zoo has a zoo-mobile and had worked hard on setting it all up and collecting money from the children. It would cost us $6.00 a child to go to the zoo so for just $1.50 they came to us! The zookeeper was scheduled to show up at 12:00 and it was to last one hour. Can you believe that my principal scheduled a meeting for the 2nd grade teachers from 11:30 to 1:00 so we had to let the assistants watch the children? Yes maam, we didn't even get to see the zoo visit. The zookeeper brought ostrich eggs, snakes, ferrets, and turtles. We missed every single second of it. Pictures of what I missed are below. You will get to see the bare kindergarten room I am stuck in right now. You might even get to see the midget tables my second graders are sitting get to sit at in this kindergarten room. I am sorry you are not able to see the play kitchen that is in my room. It makes a great book shelf. I won't go into the huge sand tables that are in the room that every time I so much as sneeze in their direction, sand starts pouring out of the spout at the bottom. Awesome. I would love for that to be in a move about the public schools in our country.

You can click on the pictures to make them bigger.... If you notice the girl in the glasses.... I will go ahead and let you know that if I do have a mental breakdown this year, she will have added to it. The smartest student I have ever had but the child has the common sense of a rock. Sometimes, I just want to hit my head over and over again on my desk ( oh wait... silly me, I don't have a desk in the room that I am "temporarily in".) P.S. we all have on pink for breast cancer.... it is not our uniform color.

And of course to end my post on a much happier and sane note.... Chuck had a ten minute playdate with the baby across the street. Some people have renovated and moved into what I call "the haunted house" that is across the street. It sat empty for about 2 1/2 to 3 years and finally all the houses on our entire street are full! Anyways, their little girl is about 4 weeks younger than Chuckman. They were out on a blanket when we got home today so we joined them for a few minutes. Chuck thought it was great.... and then stole all her toys.

13 October 2010

Don't send a man to the grocery store!

Grandma, I thought of you when I saw this. ( When she mentions left brain, that is her husband.)

11 October 2010

Meeces in pieces

I take back every time I have ever thought about just opening the door and "accidentally" letting the cats out because I could not take their crazy shenanigans anymore. Samer is currently standing guard in front of our refrigerator trying to catch a second mouse. Yes, second. The first mouse is forever sleeping in the compost pile because Samer came out victorious in the Samer vs. Mouse game. Thank you Samer. I applaud you on your hunting skills. Molly, when are you gonna get up and show us what you've got?

On a much better note..... well maybe not..... Chuck's teacher, Ms. Laura, says she thinks that we will see a breakthrough in the teeth department very soon. Out of the five to six diapers they usually change at daycare, all of them were dirty diapers... not wet. Jeez, that kid has been working hard today. She says she usually sees that right before the tooth pops out. Also, he had a couple of breakdowns that were instantly cured with Oragel. He demonstrated one of the breakdowns for mr today which I also fixed with Oragel. Have you ever seen a baby do raspberries when his entire mouth is numb? Funny.... but not pretty.

Anyways, the little stinker is sleeping soundly now. He still hates to be on his stomach but it is so liberating for him that he can't stop turning over! He turns over in his crib and then cries... so you turn him back onto his back and he rolls back to tummy position and cries. So, little man whimpers for about 2 minutes and then drifts to sleepyville. He has a new little stuffed rattle I got for his bed because at this age, "they" say babies need things to play with if they wake up. He lets us know when he wakes up. He shakes it... rattle, rattle, rattle. Then, it starts getting slower... rat...tle, rat....tle, rat...tle. And then the little stinker is out again. It is pretty funny to listen to him on the monitor.

Dr. reminded me last night that before Chuck was born I had said that I was worried that I wasn't going to love my child, that he was just going to get on my nerves and annoy me. I take it back. How can I not love this little dude that loves me so much he wants to suck on my shoulder, stick his fingers up my nose, and lick my cheek. Ahhhh.

Sorry no pictures today. Lots of school shizzle I have to get done. Blah. Maybe you will get a photograph tomorrow.

10 October 2010


There is nothing this baby likes more than being outside. He refuses to do tummy time but when we are outside, he will lay on that tummy for 30 minutes. He also has started scooting backwards when he is on his tummy. In no time, this little fella will be off the blanket and on the grass. Dr. had to work ( because he only has 4 days off this month) so the Chuckman and I spent sometime outside.