01 November 2012

Hey! I mean Hay!

Pumpkins- check!
Hay- check!
Husband that thinks wife is crazy-double check!

31 October 2012


No trick or treating here.  Chuck did not want to put on a costume tonight. He handed out some candy to the first trick or treaters and after that he was hooked!  The kid had a BLAST!  Whenever he saw people walking down the street he would start clapping and yelling "yea!".  He was so polite and said "Happy Palloween" to everyone.  ( No that is not a typo.... to him, it is Palloween.)

One time a boy dressed up as a wolf ran across the yard and around the corner.  I thought Chuck was about to freak but he just stared, gave the wolf candy and said "Happy Palloween!"  I think Chuck was amazed at all the masks and costumes.  I think he was still trying to figure out why everyone was dressed up.

Daddy was home tonight so the three of us sat in front of the house in absolutely perfect weather, listened to music, sang songs and had a great time.  I had a roast int he crock pot ( which some people said they would rather have what I was cooking than the candy!)

Chuck's teacher did stop by for about 45 minutes today.  Makes you feel like you are doing something right when your child's teacher is willing to let her kids play with yours and doesn't mind seeing him outside of school!  Can't be too bad of a kid, right?  I mean I can't say that I had too many students who I would have eaten dinner with or voluntarily stopped by their house.  Unless this visit was an undercover visit to see if Chuck is deprived in any way.  Maybe the bed head he shows up to school with every morning concerns them.

We also closed on our house today..... again.  We have been under a loan so we refinanced to a mortgage today so we now own our house..... again.

There are exactly 11 days left for Dr. to do any type of studying for boards.  He will take boards November 12th.  We all know that testing season is not pleasurable for the guy and the stress really starts getting to him.  Keep him in your thoughts as he panics through the next week and a half and drop him an encouraging email or something if you have time!

We can't wait for this to be behind him so he can finally get settled in our house.

Also, Baby Smith and I had a doctor's appointment this week.  We are a little over 31 weeks.  At 35 weeks, we will begin the lookout for any signs of dilation or contractions.  That is only 4 weeks away!  EEK!  Made this whole pregnancy thing real.  I have some of the baby clothes washed.  Now I guess I need to wash blankets and bedding if the kid is going to sleep anywhere.  I have bought one thing for Smith.  Dr. better be extremely thankful this is not a girl.  We would be taking out loans for pink stuff!

Fall Festival

I may slowly be turning into my mother-in-law. She is the queen of holiday decorations. I'm in charge of decorations for Chuck's school's Fall Festival. By tomorrow, I will have 16 bales of hay and 30 pumpkins on my back patio waiting for November 9th to roll around so I can start setting up! Chuck might be the happiest kid in the world when he sees it!

Of course MK is helping out by letting us borrow some fake mums and scarecrows.

30 October 2012


I carved the pumpkin today. Chuck was racing against himself outside, Dr. was sleeping, and I was sweating. I don't remember carving being so hard. Actually I think my parents probably always cut our design. I was so scared I was going chop a finger off!

Dinosaur Arms

The kid went to school with a mohawk (not intentional) and comes home with dinosaur arms.

29 October 2012


Hopefully we get to carve tomorrow when daddy comes home. For today we are just painting because I don't like the idea of a pregnant woman and a two year old with a knife!

Dress rehearsal

I bought Chuck a pirate costume right when they put them out. I figured I had a good 3-4 weeks to convince him to be a pirate. I maybe should have bought the next size up but the kid is excited about it!

We might go to a few houses for trick or treating and then pass out candy or we may go to Chuck's teacher's house and trick or treat with them.