25 February 2012

Computer time

Nothing better than computer time with daddy.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Daddy's almost done!

I guess it is almost official. They took their senior pictures about a week ago! Keep thinking about Dr. He takes his yearly "Big Ol' Test" on Tuesday. Luckily he has had all of February to study but I think he is a walking stress ball right now. I think his goal is to make the highest score. He missed the highest score by two points last year.

21 February 2012


Of course, Chuck and I have had many conversations but tonight we had a real one that consisted of words that I never really noticed he knew but I guess he does. We were looking at a book today and it is an "eye spy" book.

Me: Do you see the house?
Chuck: Yeah
Me: Where is it?
Chuck: ( looking all over the page) I don't know.
Me: It's over on this side of the page.
Chuck: There ( pointing to the house)

Now that right there fellows is a three word sentence. Looks like we are moving up in the world. It is not very often that we can't understand what he is saying. Oh, and he is actually saying "yes" now. This is great because he used to only say "no" and if he meant "yes" then he would just be silent. So no "no" meant "yes". Now "yeah" means "yes".

Also, today we purchased our tickets for the blue car giveaway. We were so close last year to winning a blue car that we thought we would try again this year. All money goes to the children's hospital here so it is a win/win situation. The drawing is March 24th ( what a great birthday present that would be for Chuck!)

We are planning another trip to Tyler during my spring break. It seems as though we have our mortgage figured out and have a list of houses to see so "operation pick up and go, again" may be underway in the near future. We have found a lot of great houses. We have been seeing money signs with the future increase in Dr.'s pay but we have roped ourselves back in and made more realistic decisions and have narrowed that list down a bit!

We have had some lookers and come the 3rd week in March, we will have all the new residents coming through so our hopes for selling the house are still so high!

I promise I will get pictures on here soon, or a nice little video.

19 February 2012

ONIM ( Oh No It's Monday)

As soon as I felt I was caught up with everything and almost ahead of the game, it has all exploded. First, Samer's chaotic tree climb started it all. Tonight at 6:00, our realtor called and said someone wanted to see the house at 6:30. WHAT!!!! They had been looking at houses all day and decided they needed to up their budget so the realtor ( who has been to our house with another client) said that they needed to see ours.

We did a quick 30 minute clean. We were in complete overdrive because our house still had tons of wet towels, wet clothes, and jackets from the animal rescue. Of course we spend our weekends cleaning up stuff right when Chuck stops playing with it but we were having trouble keeping up with him today. We had the oven on self clean mode and the house reeked. We were able to get the house looking pretty spiffy. Drew took half of the house, I took the other half, and we just went room to room while we let Chuck vacuum. I'm not kidding. He was on vacuum duty and was told to vacuum the hall, and he did.

So, yes, we are glad someone came and looked but we had a pretty crazy weekend. I think these people will like our house because if they have been looking at houses since 10 this morning and finally decided they needed to up their budget, then our house will look like heaven compared to what they have seen today!

I also wanted to apologize for all the typos, all the time. I usually type on my phone while the Chuckster is playing in the tub.

And now it's almost Monday. I must go do work and iron. Happy Monday.