09 March 2013

Day 1

I'd have to say Day 1 of spring break was not quite a disaster but almost.

We met Chuck's teacher and her family at the zoo. Every thing went smoothly with getting out of the house. Kudos to us!

I would say typically Chuck is a very well-behaved child. However when around other children he loses all ability for rational thinking. He spent most of the time at the zoo running. Which is fine but he missed all the animals. Also he was so far ahead I had no idea where he was. I just kept walking and assumed he'd get scared if he didn't see me and come back. Who knew if the lions or alligators had gotten him. He couldn't control himself and was grabbing clothes and pulling on people.

So after having to talk to him repeatedly, he got upset when we had to leave. Chuck and I said our goodbyes, found a bench by the macaws and fed Smith. While sitting there, his anger got the best of him and he decided to empty the stroller onto the ground. He then would not walk to the car. Smith and I headed to the car without him and he finally caught up.

On the way home he kept kicking the door. i put him in his room when we got home and he decided to bang his door against the wall multiple times. I brought his lunch to him and told him that I would let him know when he could come out.

After a bit he asked if he could come out because "He was happy now." I told him mommy was not happy and to go back in his room.

I took a nap on the couch with Smith and woke up to this....

I'm hoping he just decided to take a nap. I didn't go all the way in the room. This could be a picture of a crime scene. I'm not so sure but I am enjoying some quiet time.

So I'm pretty sure we aren't going to be doing much else in the next 8 days.

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Spring Break

It's Spring Break so it's me and the boys for 9 days. Good thing the fridge has some beer and wine in it!

Dr. was off for a few days but they asked him to work so he will have one day at home with us.

This is the time I wish I lived in a big city! We are headed to the zoo today and will probably go to the museum another day. Other than that I guess we will visit playgrounds and play on our new grass. We do need to plant our garden once they finish our yard on Monday. Maybe a couple of play dates too.

I'm trying to decide if I'm brave enough to take the boys to Dallas. Smith HATES the car and his car seat. He starts crying as soon as you buckle him in. I'm not sure how the drive would be without someone trying to shove a paci in his mouth!

Today if the rain holds off we are going to meet Chuck's teacher and family at the zoo before they go away for a week. It's so nice that people include us because they know that Dr. is not home.

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07 March 2013


We have grass! After school Chuck went outside to watch them and he looked at one of the guys laying grass and said "Mom, I love that man." That's when you know you did the right thing!

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Just a quick flashback to Chuck at 4 months when he was sporting a large tummy.

I'm pretty sure we have brothers who are almost identical besides a little coloring difference.

Such cuties.

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05 March 2013

Dino digging

We finally got around to using the rocks I made. Chuck was pretty excited when he found a dinosaur in the middle! He LOVED wearing his goggles! I thought he would get more into it if he had a pair.

This is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.

After some Dino digging, the boys investigated foot prints. I gave them each some play dough and dinosaurs. They had fun making the dinos walk through the play dough... Especially Dr. (Hehehe).

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Dr. got home yesterday after being gone for 5 days. By the fifth day we are on survival mode here. Most likely one out of the three of us has not showered in awhile and possibly hasn't even brushed her teeth :)

This weekend Chuck worked on biggest to smallest by building towers and then knocking them over. He got these blocks for his first birthday but I figured it was great to reinforce what he's learning in school. It was fun just sitting quietly and hearing him talk himself through it. Smith helped... A little.

Smith is having no problem with nutrition. I am supplementing a formula bottle about 6pm every night because by late afternoon I can't keep up with him. I think he will be just fine! Dr.'s new name for him is "rain drop" since that tummy is so much larger than his head!

Chuck has been doing a great job taking a bath in his bathroom. He took a bath in my tub while I cleaned my closet/Smith's sleeping room and cleaned the bathroom. This guy cracks me up.

Smith is relatively ok at running errands with me. Have I mentioned how pissed he gets when I put him in the car though? In this picture he's trying to find his thumb. We made it two months and he is officially denying all pacifiers, just like Chuck did.

After school yesterday Chuck and dad went on a safari. They put their backpacks on and journeyed down the alley behind the house to find the lake. They came across some piles of dirt too.

Chuck's superhero pose. When did he get so old?

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