05 March 2013


Dr. got home yesterday after being gone for 5 days. By the fifth day we are on survival mode here. Most likely one out of the three of us has not showered in awhile and possibly hasn't even brushed her teeth :)

This weekend Chuck worked on biggest to smallest by building towers and then knocking them over. He got these blocks for his first birthday but I figured it was great to reinforce what he's learning in school. It was fun just sitting quietly and hearing him talk himself through it. Smith helped... A little.

Smith is having no problem with nutrition. I am supplementing a formula bottle about 6pm every night because by late afternoon I can't keep up with him. I think he will be just fine! Dr.'s new name for him is "rain drop" since that tummy is so much larger than his head!

Chuck has been doing a great job taking a bath in his bathroom. He took a bath in my tub while I cleaned my closet/Smith's sleeping room and cleaned the bathroom. This guy cracks me up.

Smith is relatively ok at running errands with me. Have I mentioned how pissed he gets when I put him in the car though? In this picture he's trying to find his thumb. We made it two months and he is officially denying all pacifiers, just like Chuck did.

After school yesterday Chuck and dad went on a safari. They put their backpacks on and journeyed down the alley behind the house to find the lake. They came across some piles of dirt too.

Chuck's superhero pose. When did he get so old?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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