10 May 2009

happy mother's day


mom naps after a rough day at work.  molly decides to join her.

molly's favorite place to nap in the warm sun.  she has been known to pull this pillow around the house with her.

molly watches dr. as he power washes the deck.

mmmm veggies

we have planted several veggies this year.  again they are growing slow but we are starting to see some changes.  we have our garden planted in rows.  the oak leaves have decided to stay throughout the summer.  the cucumbers are in a container on the deck and the squash have blooms on them.  we even have some green beans growing.  the beans are going to be bigger than the actual plant soon!  


when we first moved in, the backyard was filled with dog tracks.  we transplanted some grass to the back yard when we created the flower beds in the front yard (we dug up lots of grass to do that).  our neighbor said she has never seen that much grass in the backyard and she has been in her house for 25 years!

front yard flowers

in the front yard, in front of the rows of boxwoods and gardenias we have wave petunias planted, salvia, and day lillies which are about to bloom.  

before pictures

this is the house when we bought it so you can see the work that we have done.

our yard

as i said in one of the previous posts, our yard is looking really good compared to what it looked like when we first moved in.  the grass is green, we finally have some grass in the backyard.  our palms are struggling but we are still trying to nurse them back to good health.  i am not sure they liked the transplanting too much.  we are still trying to figure out what to do in the backyard.