16 January 2010


OK, here it is. This is Baby Chuck's bedding! Crisp, white, and handsome. His bedding will be chocolate brown where the black is. He is getting the bumper and the crib skirt. He already has a blue quilt from Granna and BobBob that matches his blue walls perfectly as well as a monogrammed pillow from Aunt Kelly and Uncle Austin. The quilt will get monogrammed with his name and his birthday when we find out what it is!!! Everything is going to look just perfect.

15 January 2010

Baby Chuck's Room

Well! The crib has been put together! We did not like how the room was set up. It seemed too crowded where everything was. Just looked like we had squeezed furniture in the room so tonight we rearranged the furniture to make it look more like a baby's room and not like a guest room. There was no open floor space but now there is!

This is when you walk into the room from the hall. Notice the picture to the right is Grandpa Weber's drawing of a maternity ward with a sign "boy wanted" hanging outside. You can also see Molly has taken over the big bed and Samer is behind the curtain eating leaves from a plant that we were trying to keep alive and out of the cold.

This is a better shot of Granpa Weber's drawing. If you could see through the wall where the drawing is, you would see into the closet. ( Glad you can't though!) The big bed and bedside table are to the right when you walk in the room. All we did was flip them so we could get more floor space and be able to have easier access to diapers and wipes.

And again, Molly with sock monkey

Baby Chuck's bed with the angel that will look over him as he sleeps ( and making sure he does not climb out of his bed!)

Chuck's bed ( thanks again Marmee and Poppy) Bedding will be part of another post. I couldn't decide on what bedding I wanted but now that I have the bed, I know exactly what bedding I want.

This is just the space between the crib and the dresser. Just a little more floor space. Ahhhhh

The dresser and the sign MK bought for Chuck and his Daddy.

And now finally we have made it around the room and headed back out into the hall.

So after putting each piece of furniture in every place possible ... and after about 2 hours.... we got the room perfect!!!!

12 January 2010

27 Weeks

Tomorrow I will be 27 weeks. Here is what Baby Chuck's growth will be like this week. One article said my belly button may turn into an outie. Um, I am just going to let you know now, that when my belly button pops out, I will be hysterical and ..... OMG, I just looked at my belly button.... it is starting to creep to the edge of my original belly button... I am kinda feeling a little dizzy.....OMG I just had to look again..... why did they have to go and tell me this! AHHHHHHHHHH I haven't even looked at my belly button lately.... maybe I should have been though. I am a little startled.

OK, trying to make myself forget about my almost popped out belly button! Since the baby can see, I can supposedly put a flashlight to my belly and he would be able to see the light. So we will try it later tonight and maybe he will give daddy a big kick.

OK, here is the article about Baby Chuck's growth. Please excuse the very PC diagram, I don't know how to copy and paste without it. Looking at the picture, I now know why my lower back hurts occasionally.

I gotta go call my mom about my belly button.

This week marks the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy which is bound to remind you of the nearing of the due date. If you have

27weekspregnant not enrolled in a prenatal or childbirth class by now you can still do so as this will leave you a month time to complete the class before the due date. These classes will be helpful in teaching you breathing and relaxing exercises which will be especially beneficial at the time of delivery or when you go into labor. This is also the time to improve your diet and include all nutritious food in it to avoid putting on unhealthy weight as well as to help the baby in developing a healthy body. Fried food and excessive heavy or greasy food can be avoided if you are putting on too much weight at this stage however fresh fruits, vegetables and a balanced combination of high protein and calcium need to be included to avoid problems during recovery after the child birth. Household chores might now become difficult or tiring for you so do not hesitate to ask for help and it is best to avoid risky things like climbing a stool or lifting heavy weight as this can put pressure on the baby or make you fall. Do not neglect taking the vitamins and minerals prescribed to you at this stage even if everything seems fine with you and the baby as you need to build up your immunity and strength for the coming weeks.

Baby’s Development

The baby is about 14.5 inches long and weighs over two pounds by now. The baby’s skin is wrinkled by floating in water and will remain this way until a few weeks after the baby is born as the skin slowly stretches out. The retina develops normal layers which later help in the reception of light images. These layers receive light and images and transmit the information to the brain for interpretation. The membrane that used to cover your baby’s eyes will separate at this stage to form eyelids. A new visual discovery begins for the baby andthe baby’s eyes are mostly blue at this stage which will change into their true color some time after birth. The baby also develops a waking and sleeping pattern which might not be the same as your cycle. Some experts believe that the baby begins to dream by the 28th week. No one knows what they dream about but the brain remains active and the characteristic grooves on the brain surface start appearing with the development of more brain tissues. You might experience the baby hiccupping quite frequently now as the baby’s lungs are maturing and the baby is learning to breathe normally.

Water Crisis

Jackson is still with out water. I did not have school today due to the 107 ( yes the number is true) water main breaks. The first one happened a week ago. They have fixed 67 of them. I also do not have school tomorrow, again! I don't even care if I can't shower! I will sit around stinky for as long as they need me too! Some schools have canceled school until January 19th because of the crisis. I know we have now had 5 water main breaks in our neighborhood. Today the 5th one occurred when the street caved in. We are still boiling our water and taking sponge baths!

Baby Chuck and I spent the day running errands, catching up on school work ( because there is ALWAYS something to catch up on!), and cleaning the baby's room. I am hoping maybe I can get the crib tomorrow since I am off of work! Samer and Molly apparently think the bedroom is being cleaned and beautified for them. They are going to have a rude awakening in three short months!

A little ladybug came to visit us yesterday and today I found it chilling out in Baby Chuck's room while I was cleaning. It's nice and warm in there ( and clean now!) so he can stay as long as he wants.

11 January 2010


Just wanted to say a quick "love you" and let everyone know that the mini Webers in Mississippi miss everyone as we have gotten back to our daily grind.

Baby Chuck made it on TV today! The city of Jackson is experiencing an excessive amount of water main breaks due to the weather and the Yazoo clay that the city is built on. Our water main to the street burst last Tuesday and then another one burst Thursday. Two more burst this morning. We have NOT had any pipe problems at our actual house. Supposedly someone said the city has over 100 water main breaks ( might have been exaggerating, you think!). So our water pressure has not been right since last week. Anyways, today we had school with no water and heat. They let us stay until 12 and then dismissed us. They were trying to keep us from using the bathroom and eating out of the cafeteria.... Did I mention I was pregnant? That doesn't sit right with a pregnant women. Much less hungry pregnant women. Well, now the city of Jackson is under a boiled water alert. Considering the incredible amounts of water we drink (hahahaha) Baby Chuck and I stopped by the store to get some water just in case this "lasts for a couple of days" like they have said on TV. Apparently we were just too cute and had too much water for the TV cameras to resist us. So they filmed a guy putting water into the back of our car. Is Chuck going to be a doctor like the many generations before him or will he become an actor.... we will see but no matter what he is he is going to be adorable doing it.... as long as he is not in tights!

Much love again to you all! What do we do with the early leave day? Get ready for baby! I will be in the baby's room if you need me!!!


10 January 2010

Easter, are you kidding me?

So I have been saying that I will not stress or panic about Baby Chuck until I see Easter things in the stores since he is due the week after Easter. WELL, I thought I had time since Valentines Day has not gotten here yet. I SAW PLASTIC EASTER EGGS TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Um, ok, I am starting to get a little antsy. If you saw Baby Chuck's room you would NOT think we had a baby on the way. In fact, you probably wouldn't be able to get in the room to look at it to even say that. Soooooo, I guess it is time to get down to business. Make Room For Baby time. It is officially time to start thinking BABY.

The crib is at the store ready to pick up!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah SO excited! I went to pick it up today and was going to get the guys to put it in the car and just get Dr. to get it out of the car when he gets home tonight. Does anyone have any idea how LARGE a baby bed that has not been assembled is? Please tell me this is NO indication on how large Chuck is going to be. This thing is SO ginormous that it is NOT even going to fit in Dr.'s Tahoe. We are going to have to wait until our friend and Dr. have the same day off ( Friday) so they can go get it in his pick up truck..... seriously..... I will be at work and all I am going to be thinking about on Friday is if my baby's crib is laying in the middle of the road somewhere because it was too big to stay in the back of the truck. Ahhhhhh. Well, at least I have a few days to clean out Chuck's room so the bed can be put together. I do want you to know that I DID measure the space in which the crib will go. Phew.

It seems as if there is a baby boom in the ER. There are now 5 other ER wives ( that I know of) that are pregnant! NO babysitters anymore because now EVERYONE will have a child! My friend who has been consistently losing her baby at 6 weeks is preggers again. Tuesday will be 6 weeks so lets cross our fingers she can get to 7 weeks for her first doctors visit!

Other than that, everything is cruising along here in MS! Except for a couple of frozen pipe scares, everyone is just trucking along, working, eating, an sleeping. Still not much going on with Chuck..... just kicks here and there but still no symptoms except a little twinge from the sciatic nerve every once in a while which just feels GREAT! I am apparently caring him very low because everyone and their mother says " You having a boy?" YES, I am, no wonder I need a pair of suspenders to keep MATERNITY pants up.....

Well, one more week until MLK day. Have I ever mentioned how much I love MLK day? And not because it is a day of vacation.

If Dr. calls you and wonders if you know where I am, let him know I am in the baby's room on the other side of all the boxes.....