10 January 2010

Easter, are you kidding me?

So I have been saying that I will not stress or panic about Baby Chuck until I see Easter things in the stores since he is due the week after Easter. WELL, I thought I had time since Valentines Day has not gotten here yet. I SAW PLASTIC EASTER EGGS TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Um, ok, I am starting to get a little antsy. If you saw Baby Chuck's room you would NOT think we had a baby on the way. In fact, you probably wouldn't be able to get in the room to look at it to even say that. Soooooo, I guess it is time to get down to business. Make Room For Baby time. It is officially time to start thinking BABY.

The crib is at the store ready to pick up!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah SO excited! I went to pick it up today and was going to get the guys to put it in the car and just get Dr. to get it out of the car when he gets home tonight. Does anyone have any idea how LARGE a baby bed that has not been assembled is? Please tell me this is NO indication on how large Chuck is going to be. This thing is SO ginormous that it is NOT even going to fit in Dr.'s Tahoe. We are going to have to wait until our friend and Dr. have the same day off ( Friday) so they can go get it in his pick up truck..... seriously..... I will be at work and all I am going to be thinking about on Friday is if my baby's crib is laying in the middle of the road somewhere because it was too big to stay in the back of the truck. Ahhhhhh. Well, at least I have a few days to clean out Chuck's room so the bed can be put together. I do want you to know that I DID measure the space in which the crib will go. Phew.

It seems as if there is a baby boom in the ER. There are now 5 other ER wives ( that I know of) that are pregnant! NO babysitters anymore because now EVERYONE will have a child! My friend who has been consistently losing her baby at 6 weeks is preggers again. Tuesday will be 6 weeks so lets cross our fingers she can get to 7 weeks for her first doctors visit!

Other than that, everything is cruising along here in MS! Except for a couple of frozen pipe scares, everyone is just trucking along, working, eating, an sleeping. Still not much going on with Chuck..... just kicks here and there but still no symptoms except a little twinge from the sciatic nerve every once in a while which just feels GREAT! I am apparently caring him very low because everyone and their mother says " You having a boy?" YES, I am, no wonder I need a pair of suspenders to keep MATERNITY pants up.....

Well, one more week until MLK day. Have I ever mentioned how much I love MLK day? And not because it is a day of vacation.

If Dr. calls you and wonders if you know where I am, let him know I am in the baby's room on the other side of all the boxes.....

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