08 January 2013

Hanging in the Crib

Since Chuck is back at school and settled into his routine, I have moved Smith into his own bedroom during the day!  I knew the whole crib sleeping might take a while so decided to start early.  He took about an hour nap in his crib before we went to get Chuck ( I say "nap" even though he sleeps all day no matter where he is!)  Tonight, he ate and I wrapped him in a Swaddle Me blanket and put him in bed at 6.  It is 8 p.m. right now and Smith is still asleep... in his crib.... laying flat!  It took us four months for that to happen with Chuck.  I realize that Smith could possibly be up for a while tonight but really, who am I kidding, sleep is overrated.  I am not sleeping anyway so I figured I might as well do the crib transition. 

Dr. comes home from work tomorrow morning and is home for a day before he goes back. January is not too bad since he has every weekend off ( except two Sundays)!  This is a huge change since in the past he has worked nights and weekends!

Chuck has always been a mama's boy but I guess because he is getting older or maybe because dad is around more, he is really getting hooked on his daddy.  It may be because I am so hard on the kid and expect so much from him.  Either way, he asks about his dad all the time now.  When he was younger, he would freak out if he couldn't see me.  Chuck has moved on and now and will go to our neighbors houses with our neighbors ( and without me) to play with the dogs, he enjoys spending the night with his Aunt Koko, and even asks to stay with daddy when I have to go to the store or run an errand.   I 'm actually glad I am not as cool as he once thought I was!  Makes my life a little easier!

07 January 2013


I might be the happiest person on Earth!  Chuck started back to school today.  Actually, he may be the happiest person.  I don't know.... it's probably a toss up.

Chuck has actually been doing wonderful with the new addition to the family.  I think Smith is also glad Chuck is back at school so Chuck will stop smothering him with kisses and hugs.  Considering Chuck has been locked in the house for two weeks, he has done relatively well with minimal to no tantrums.  I think we are all ready to be back on our "normal" schedule ( +1)!

Sunday was my first day alone with the boys.  Thank goodness Smith is still sleeping all the time ( I mean sleeping all day).  Smith insists on staying awake all night.  Awesome!  Anyway, we made it through Sunday unscathed and even got laundry done and some of the house cleaned.

Last week, Smith had his two week check up and was down a pound.  At two weeks you should be back up close to birth weight.  The doctor wanted to do a weight check today to see what his weight was doing.  He instructed me to feed every two hours day and night to make sure he was getting enough.  I was shocked because he looked bigger to me but doctor's orders!

Smith and I went back this morning and checked the weight.  Smith was born at 8lb 6 oz but weighed in last week at 7lb 8 oz.  The doc wanted him at least at 7lb 12 oz today.  This kid weighed in at almost 10 pounds.  Sooooo apparently the nurse we had last week ( which I didn't care for in the first place) weighed him wrong.  So I have been sitting here day and night feeding my TEN pund baby every two hours.  That's a fat kid's dream! Sigh.  Maybe I will sleep tonight after the measly hour I got last night.