03 February 2012

Time Management

First off, I love this comic about what all you can get done without your kids around compared to with your kids. Check it out here.

Also, we have more lookers coming tomorrow! Right smack dab in the middle of nap time but I think Chuck isn't going to mind that at all! We have had steady lookers for the last few days. Our realtor (along with my father) says they are surprised at the traffic we have had ( for this city and for this market.) We haven't heard any feedback. We do know the lady that has looked twice and brought a contractor, hasn't made a decision yet and will be meeting with her realtor this weekend. At least we know we are still in the running. I think I am ready to start looking for my house in Tyler!

02 February 2012

House for Sale

We are still here! Chuck has been a little snotty nosed.

We had someone come look at the house this morning and 8 and then we have someone coming tomorrow at 10:30 so the lookers are still constant.

We are hosting Ginger's (our next door neighbor) surprise 60th birthday party here on Sunday. Everyone ( on the street) is bringing a dish. I reckon the men will watch some football. I figure it may be the last time I can have the neighbors ( that I am going to mis so much) over to the house before we are gone.

Hopefully, I will get some pics on here this weekend.

30 January 2012

Future Soccer Player

I made it through today and as a reward of surviving yet another Monday I got to play soccer with my Chuck Chuck. We haven't ever really worked on any skills. He is actually just getting really good at kicking. Apparently, he knows how to dribble. He doesn't know what to do with his arms other than just throw them up in the air but I was very impressed with what I was seeing. This video I got shows some pretty mad dribbling skills but right before this he was in a constant dribble for at least a minute. Impressive!

As of tomorrow, we will have our daddy for a whole month. Who knew that after two weeks of vacation, Dada will be on toxicology where he just waits for someone to get bitten by a snake, drink poison, or overdose. He is kind of like ( or IS) the doctor that the poison control people call if they don't know what to tell the people that call the hotline. So, although he will have a pager that could go off at any second, he will just be sitting around the house ( studying and ) waiting for it to ring. February will be a good month.

With Dr. being home this month, it would be the perfect month to sell the house because he could help keep it clean and we could get some buyers in here. Jackson's housing market isn't that active.... or should I say it isn't active at all but with our house being the only one on the market we are sure to get something. I guess I want to sell it so bad so I can get it off my shoulders. I don't want to have to keep up a house from two states away. It's the only thing keeping us in Jackson right now ( or me and Chuck. I guess if it doesn't sell, Chuck and I might be here a little longer). However, it would be ideal not to sell until the end of March. That way closing can be the end of May. If we close any sooner we wIll be homeless and will have to find a place to stay ( add stress ball here). My last day of work is May 31st ( just 4 months away!).

29 January 2012


We made it through the day with no injuries ( well, besides a big unknown blister on our hand), no real break downs, and only half a nap. I am getting so tired of taking Chuck's little table out every time we show the house that I left it out for the weekend and let him eat in the chair in the den with the side table. He actually did really well and kept all food on the plate. We also only wore one outfit the whole day which is not normal. ( Outfit = whatever we happen to pull out whether it matches or not)

Chuck Chuck getting ready for the summer...

Today we found a DVD with lots of songs. I realized that Chuck's coordination is getting a lot better. He used to not be able to do the whole "wheels on the bus" motion. I love how he does his arms when you sing that part and he gets so into it he kind of gets all out of control.

I keep thinking.... If I can just get through......
Right now, if I can just get through tomorrow..... I have the professional development that I have to do for the entire staff. I really haven't been nervous. It just added something else for me to do ( which I don't need). Now tonight I find out the assistant superintendent that is over our school will be there. Good gracious. I feel like I am not getting a break these days. Here starts another ball of stress. Why in the world does she need to join us? I don't think I have had a sip of alcohol in an extremely long time but I feel the need to chug a bottle right now.